howdy all


New Member
Hi, i'm new to Aberdeen (well 9 months here anyway) and only just found you guys. Looking to get into some LAN partys up here.

Was just wondering what sort of games you play, frequency of events etc.

Just to give you some background i'm mostly an FPS player (i'd say of above average skills but wtf do you rate your own skill against?!) mainly play BF2 at the moment along with L4D and CS:S
I'm pretty open minded when it comes to gaming and will try anything once (except WoW, no offence WoW'ers)

Deep Blue

Staff member
Hello mate :)

How did you find us?! We'd love to know!

You just missed an event sadly, but details of the next one have been posted (August)

We're all pretty easy going when it comes to game genres, rhythm, racing, rts and FPS are all firm faves :)

There is currently a group of LAN regulars who have just started playing Eve online together :)

Hope to hear from you soon, and welcome!


New Member
Found the site via Google, some variation of "Aberdeen LAN party" and BAM, top result!

Cool, nice to hear you guys are relaxed about genres (it may be sacrilege due to its console roots but i'm also far too into guitar hero 3 for PC at the mo!)
I haven't tried eve online yet, i try and avoid mmorpgs because when i first bought BF2 years back i didn't stop playing every night for about a year! (yeh its not an MMO but its bloody addictive!)

Are there any clans run off this site? Would be nice to meet some of the folk and have a few sessions.

Damn shame i missed the event, just my luck but hopefully I’ll come along to the august one, I’ll have a read up on the post when i get a mo


Hey there Xyphious,

Firstly, Welcome to BreachLAN!

As Deep Blue said, you've just missed an event, altho I hope to see you at the next one :)

Clan wise, we're looking at setting up some tournaments/clan games. I mainly play eve online now, altho i do play some CoD4 here and there :)

If you want to give eve a try, feel free to email/msn/xfire me and I can help out. If you have any questions or any query's, feel free to contact any Administrator or post in the forums!


- Castiana // Sion


New Member
What a way to treat the new guy, then again I could murder a mug of tea :p

my treat at the next event, i'll bring some big ass flasks of tea :D

well so far you all seem like a bunch of mentalists, which is cool :cool:
So what games do y'all play apart from eve?

Whats the average age (roughly) if thats none too cheeky to ask?


Average age. Now that's a difficult one. Mentally, about 2 months. Physically, we have people ranging from 3 ($ku1!) to 900 (ZeroG).

Deep Blue

Staff member
Without a poll, couldn't say... but most folks are late teens early 20's.... apart from ZeroG, he's as old as the Hills :D


New Member
TF2, Left 4 Dead, Savage!!! CoD 4, Trackmania, ut2004.

A good few of us often play tf2 most evenings too.

I don't play TF2 myself, need to wait for a sale weekend and give it a blast. Good to see trackmania mentioned too, what an awesome game!
Feel free to add me on Steam, i'm also Xyphious on there too.

Sounds like i'm in the age range then, i'm 24 myself. Was worried about being stuck with a 50+ bunch (like my old bf2 clan, it was weird hanging out with that lot i can tell ya!) or practically joining a youth club :D
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