That is all.
gemini The Crude One Staff member Mar 9, 2013 #1 That is all.
Deep Blue The BOFH Staff member Mar 10, 2013 #4 Oh wow! Many many happy memories of that game, who remembers rise of nations? That game had a monster of a tech tree in it!
Oh wow! Many many happy memories of that game, who remembers rise of nations? That game had a monster of a tech tree in it!
grogers126 Sniper Mar 15, 2013 #7 i like it but the price would have to come down quite a bit before i buy it
Skull Thou Shalt Not Pass Apr 2, 2013 #8 If there's many people (myself included currently) who don't have the HD remake of this at the LAN, I'd still be up for some of the original AoE2
If there's many people (myself included currently) who don't have the HD remake of this at the LAN, I'd still be up for some of the original AoE2