

Thou Shalt Not Pass
Actually, Dundee is only on 100meg from VM, not 120 (the 120 is two bonded 60meg lines isn't it?)


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Hell, if I had the need for it, I would get a faster line - the thing is with speeds like that you start running into limitations.

1. If you don't have a gigabit network card IN EACH END you're gonna have a bad time. I have a router with a 10meg WAN port on it. I didn't realise this at the time. I have 20meg internet. All of a sudden after I plugged that router in, internet was very very slow.

2. You're gonna need to find servers that have that decent an upload speed to keep up with you. Only people on large CDNs will generally have uploads of over 100meg, so having a downstream of 100meg is fine and dandy until you realise that you're not actually going to get full use of it and could actually get away with 1/5th of that... Of course, if you have multiple people using the connection then that's a completely different story and I would then say go for it and work it on 20meg for each person.


*looks disapprovingly*
What i find funny is my phone has a more consistant and better download than my house.... :(
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