Ladies and Gentlemen
Today we are happy to announce that Introversion Software, developers of BreachLAN favourite DEFCON, have decided to sponsor the LAN.
Introversion are sending us two box sets of their complete anthology. Including Uplink, DEFCON, Darwinia and Multiwinia. All in a nice collectors edition tin. And we are going to give this away as a prize for the winner of the first ever official BreachLAN DEFCON Tournament. This is a really awesome prize.
In order to compete in the tournament, you need a licence to play the game on Steam, available here.
Or if you prefer, you can use this here linky and use the discount code breach , you can get £5 off defcon if you buy it directly from Introversion.
DEFCON is a cracking game that we have had some real laughs with in the past. Now you can turn your skills at global thermonuclear war into the complete anthology of Introversion. Get practicing guys. The exact rules and format of the tournament will follow shortly.
BreachLAN would like to publicly thank Introversion Software for their support. Keep being awesome guys.
Rules of the Tournament
Pictures of the Prizes