Killing Floor Glitch and Tricks


Wots of Wonga:
Complete a round as medic, get to trader and buy and drop as many MP7M's as you can, with level 6 perk each gun's cost is £90.
Once you are out of cash/bored change perks to whatever you wish.
NOW people can pick up the MP7M's and sell each for £2250, people need to WAIT until the perk change is complete before attempting to pick up and sell the MP7M's.

Weight Glitch:
Complete a round as Support, ensure that the weapon load out you want when you change perks is in your inventory + a machete ( Support level 6 perk can carry 24kgs)
Now change perks, you will drop the machete but keep the rest of your inventory.
Suggested loads outs:
Lever-Action, M14, Crossbow, MACHETE
SCAR, M14, Crossbow, MACHETE
SCAR,M14,Dual Deagles,MP7M,Katana, MACHETE
M79,M32,SCAR,Pipebomb,MACHETE (Dont use the last pipebomb in order to keep the loadout)
Basically any load out with a total weight of 21 or less can use this

Scrake Stunning:
As far as I'm aware its totally possible for any class armed with a Katana to melee stun a Scrake so that they are dealt zero damage (Even works on Suicidal) just aim for the head and swing for the win(rinse repeat till dead).

BOOM Headshot:
A little known fact about the Crossbow, headshot damage has a 6 times modifier!
A Sharpshooter on 6-man Suicidal can one shot kill everything up to FleshPounder
Fleshpounders I'm not 100% sure on yet, but two headshots would certainly kill them.


Well-Known Member
Patch 1009 is Live
posted by [TW]Yoshiro @ 09:41PM on October 29, 2009
Patch 1009 contains the following:

Optimized game content to reduce memory usage and improve loading times

Fixed acheivements that weren't working, 3 Map Achievements for KF-Bedlam, Dot of Doom, and Mr. Perky. Mr. Perky was appearing as though it had been reset(it was working behind the scenes, but the menu functionality was not working)

Fixed an exploit related to weapon dropping/selling in the Perks system(that people used heavily with the Medic Gun). This exploit could be used to buy a weapon on a discount and give it to someone else that would sell the weapon for a huge profit

Fixed errors in Perk Descriptions (such as the menu saying the level five Sharpshooter get Dual Handcannons, when he actually gets the Lever Action

Fixed exploits in maps Wyre and Bedlam

so much for that glitch...


nope my trick seems to have died a horrible death regards money :-( oh well back to sitting in west london cap in hand asking for donations
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