Wots of Wonga:
Complete a round as medic, get to trader and buy and drop as many MP7M's as you can, with level 6 perk each gun's cost is £90.
Once you are out of cash/bored change perks to whatever you wish.
NOW people can pick up the MP7M's and sell each for £2250, people need to WAIT until the perk change is complete before attempting to pick up and sell the MP7M's.
Weight Glitch:
Complete a round as Support, ensure that the weapon load out you want when you change perks is in your inventory + a machete ( Support level 6 perk can carry 24kgs)
Now change perks, you will drop the machete but keep the rest of your inventory.
Suggested loads outs:
Lever-Action, M14, Crossbow, MACHETE
SCAR, M14, Crossbow, MACHETE
SCAR,M14,Dual Deagles,MP7M,Katana, MACHETE
M79,M32,SCAR,Pipebomb,MACHETE (Dont use the last pipebomb in order to keep the loadout)
Basically any load out with a total weight of 21 or less can use this
Scrake Stunning:
As far as I'm aware its totally possible for any class armed with a Katana to melee stun a Scrake so that they are dealt zero damage (Even works on Suicidal) just aim for the head and swing for the win(rinse repeat till dead).
BOOM Headshot:
A little known fact about the Crossbow, headshot damage has a 6 times modifier!
A Sharpshooter on 6-man Suicidal can one shot kill everything up to FleshPounder
Fleshpounders I'm not 100% sure on yet, but two headshots would certainly kill them.
Complete a round as medic, get to trader and buy and drop as many MP7M's as you can, with level 6 perk each gun's cost is £90.
Once you are out of cash/bored change perks to whatever you wish.
NOW people can pick up the MP7M's and sell each for £2250, people need to WAIT until the perk change is complete before attempting to pick up and sell the MP7M's.
Weight Glitch:
Complete a round as Support, ensure that the weapon load out you want when you change perks is in your inventory + a machete ( Support level 6 perk can carry 24kgs)
Now change perks, you will drop the machete but keep the rest of your inventory.
Suggested loads outs:
Lever-Action, M14, Crossbow, MACHETE
SCAR, M14, Crossbow, MACHETE
SCAR,M14,Dual Deagles,MP7M,Katana, MACHETE
M79,M32,SCAR,Pipebomb,MACHETE (Dont use the last pipebomb in order to keep the loadout)
Basically any load out with a total weight of 21 or less can use this
Scrake Stunning:
As far as I'm aware its totally possible for any class armed with a Katana to melee stun a Scrake so that they are dealt zero damage (Even works on Suicidal) just aim for the head and swing for the win(rinse repeat till dead).
BOOM Headshot:
A little known fact about the Crossbow, headshot damage has a 6 times modifier!
A Sharpshooter on 6-man Suicidal can one shot kill everything up to FleshPounder
Fleshpounders I'm not 100% sure on yet, but two headshots would certainly kill them.