Ahoy me hearties.
Just for the record, BreachLAN loves Introversion. This is a fact. Their games have brought many an hour of joy to our lives as we laugh at the feeble citizens of the world as millions of them are either vapourized, or mysteriously start growing an extra face.
One of their other games is Uplink. A computer hacking simulation where you take control of a young freelance computer hacker, working for the Uplink group. You take the jobs you want to hack into computers, change records, steal cash, destroy lives, steal data etc etc and all the other things that computer hackers get to do.
Uplink, allows you to FEEL like a super 1337 computer hacker with only a fraction of the actual skill.

It's great fun and extremely intense. The fun of trying to pull off a hack while the network admin is tracing you through their LAN is great fun.
And right now, it can be your for the princely sum of TWO POUNDS. Less than the cost of a pint of beer. And I can guarantee, Uplink is much more entertaining, and will last a lot longer, than a pint of beer.
10/10 - Full gemini seal of approval. Highly reccommended.