That's right, once again our Saturday night entertainment shall be provided by the wonder and the glory that is the BreachLAN Battle of the ROCK BAND.
The Rock Band competitions in the past have proven to be extremely successful and highly entertaining. With this in mind, we have decided to bring Rock Band back for another round at BreachLAN 24.
The competition will kick off at approximately 9pm on the Saturday evening, after pizza has been consumed.
The rules for this competition are very simple.
1) Each band must have a drummer, vocalist and at least one guitar player. Bands are encouraged to have a full roster of four people.
2) Each band must perform a minimum of two, and a maximum of three songs.
3) In true battle of the bands style, the winners will be judged based on the noise of the crowds cheering. Not by the scores of the game.
4) You are encouraged to put on a show. Costumes, themes and choice of song are all important but the winning band will be the one that rocks the hardest and put's on the best show.
5) It is expected that you pick your difficulties of instruments honestly.
6) The stage will open up about an hour before the competition begins to allow everyone to practice. You are allowed one practice song. This will be done with the volume low, lights dimmed and microphone off. For safety reasons, guests are not permitted on the stage at any other time without express permission from BreachLAN Staff.
7) Each song may only be played ONCE and by ONE BAND. Songs are given out strictly on a first come first served basis.
8) You ARE ALLOWED to bring in your own games to pick tracks from. So if you want to do a tribute act based on a rock band / guitar hero game you are quite welcome to do so. However, please consider rule nine closely.
9) To keep each bands performance moving smoothly, EACH BAND'S TRACKS MUST BE PICKED FROM THE SAME GAME Nothing breaks flow and spoils a show more than a five minute break between each track while the game discs are changed over while the band stands awkwardly waiting.
You are allowed to start putting together your bands now if you like. Signups will close just moments before the first band starts to perform. But one thing to consider is that in order to prevent the show being dull and the same songs being repeated loads of times by many different bands, each song will only be allowed to played once. And it's first come first served as to who get's what songs.