Starcraft II Tournament @ B22


The Crude One
Staff member
Following the great success of our last Starcraft II Tournament I'm pleased to report a return at BreachLAN 22.

Will and Highfly will be once again be running the show with only minimal interaction from me. They will be sorting the maps, matches and thanks to their generosity, the prizes for the tournament as well.

As yet there is not much that we have confirmed. However we can say the following.

1) This is a prize winning tournament. Prizes will be confirmed by Will and Highfly nearer to the time.
2) The tournament is open to every BreachLAN 22 attendee.
3) The replays of the semi finals will be commentated on, and put on YouTube.
4) The finals will be played on the stage, and commentated live by Will and Highfly. The entire thing will be filmed and put on YouTube for promotional purposes.
5) It will be a great laugh to participate in, and to watch.

Any Questions ?

Ask away.


Oh also, will it be over the whole 4 days? I only planned to attend the Sat and Sun. Got work commitments :S

Deep Blue

Staff member
Friday is basically set up day - we usually have the finals on Sunday night with a free for all day and any over-runs on the Monday morning :) The core gaming happens Friday night, saturday and Sunday. The bonus of the 72 hour LAN is that you don't have to pack up early on the Sunday if you don't have to :)


The Crude One
Staff member
Although we did try to get videos of the last one we weren't able to due to me being a failure and only recording one of the microphones.

IT should be better this time. :)


The Crude One
Staff member
Im hoping to get all my work for the next three weeks finished by tonight. I'l be online if you want a few practice matches / lessons :)


If your on then sure, I may have some time. :D funfunfun

Should be free 8ish, depending on when the little one goes to bed.
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