Steam Sale


Well-Known Member
Steam seems to be having a sale yet again. It's finally convinced me to buy Dirt 2. Gonna look to see what other offers they have.


The Crude One
Staff member
I got Civ4 complete this morning.

Ive never played any of the Civ games but have always heard good things. Guess this is my chance to find out.


Active Member
I got Civ4 complete this morning.

Ive never played any of the Civ games but have always heard good things. Guess this is my chance to find out.
I did exactly the same thing last night Gem. Never played any of them but have heard such rumours as "The most addictive game ever". Look forward to trialing this out.


The Crude One
Staff member
ok guys, I have a public service announcement for you.


These games are amazing. A propper challenging platformer for adults. Littered with dark humor, fart jokes and genuinely difficult gameplay that everyone can enjoy.

I am about to give you a description of what you can do.

Use psycic mind control to take control of your enemies. Then you can use your new subject to machine gun down more enemies. Or you can machine gun down some of your mates. And when the time comes to dispose of your subject you can self destruct him into a huge meaty lumpy mess, which makes a HUGELY satisfying noise, or send him wandering into a meat grinder.

If you are not entertained by this then quite frankly you are not a human being.

At the next Breachlan I will be personally inspecting everyones steam account and anyone found not to have these games will be tarred and feathered.

Then they will be forced to buy the pack at full price :)


Active Member
I've got the original Oddworld games still on the PS1 and completed both a couple of times. They truly are spectacular games and probably the best sidescrolling Platform/Puzzle games ever created. Funny as hell too. I think I will get them again :D


Thou Shalt Not Pass
And the oddworld pack claims firstblood with skull's bank

First game I've bought in the sale (well, someone's bought me L4D2, which is awesome too, but this is the first that I've bought myself)

May download, may wait til lan, don't know yet.


The Crude One
Staff member
TBH Ive seen GTA IV for £4.99 i think four or so times this year. The January Sales, Rockstar Weekend, Now, and I definately recall seeing it another time too.

Today - I bought Street Fighter 4 for £7.50. Now I need a 360 pad to get the best out of it.


Well-Known Member
I bought the Commandos pack and the X-Com pack - loved those games. Already have GTA IV and the others don't really interest me much.

Not related to the sale but I'm considering getting APB, the game itself looks quite good but I'm not sure as it sounds mostly pvp related.


Active Member
So far my damage is,

AvP classic
ghost busters (surprisingly good)
red faction
zeno clash
flatout ultimate challenge
star wars empire at war gold
thief deadly shadows



With no computer to play them on...I've bought

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

Devil May Cry 4

DiRT 2


Resident Evil 5

Lead and Gold - Gangs of the Wild West

Left 4 Dead 2

Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee

Painkiller Overdose

Super Laser Racer



The Crude One
Staff member
Killing Floor is a marmite game. You either Love it or Hate it. Quite a few of us are fans.

For those who are yet to play the game, at less than £4 you cant really go wrong to be honest.
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