sup y'all

  • Thread starter ScruffyLookinNerfHerder
  • Start date



Just started working with deep blue he introduced me to the site, thought I'd join and say whats up

Pretty much live for gaming and metal

Got a half decent laptop on which I spend most my life playing SWTOR on (got a a lvl 50 jug and lvl 11 sage if any1 here plays)

Mainly playing my PS3 though at the mo (be gentle lol) but am currently building a desktop to convert fully to PC gaming hopefully when that's done I will be able to attend one of your events looking forward to pwning you all lol (especially you Dex ;)) just kidding

Looking forward to getting to know y'all

Deep Blue

Staff member
Welcome buddy! I assure you that since I'm a gamer I am not really good at anything but can give you a good punch bag in most genres :)

Knotty that image is awesome!


Active Member
In the words of Brad Pitt, "BON-JAW-NO"
Welcome to to my home. fridge is on the right, LOLs are on the left.

I too am a PS3 lover... finally I am not alone here. I do also have an xbox and a Gaming PC making me the Uber-gamer.


Miss Bitch
Welcome to the mad house dude.......Dex has told me plenty about you (i'm his better half ;) )

Be ready for plenty of lolz with this bunch

Will be great to see you on Mumble and at LAN soon :cool:
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