The Good The Bad and The Casti


Well peeps it has been another great event and we the staff would like to thank you all for attending BreachLAN 35.

We would like to put out a special shout out to Rebel and Hawkreak thank you guys for attending our awesome event. We hope to see you guys again at a future event.

we would also like to welcome back Niko and wyu_ryu and carjriak and of course a big thank you to the BreachLAN regulars for turning up and being the awesome people you are.

As usual this thread is your chance to give the staff feedback on the event so that we can move forward and improve our services.
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Active Member
The good:
  • Awesome tournaments with some very close matches
  • Good laughs as per usual
  • Getting Shaggy to return after 3 years of no LAN
  • Poker dealing was pretty fun
The bad:
  • Not much variety with the big games, mostly (somewhat) competitive FPS games and not really any "party" games with fun modes
  • Warp Storm wiping out my tyrannid army :(
The ugly:
  • Casti's Full Moon whilst we were playing Relic


Self Proclaimed God
TF2 Tourny was great. should do that again.
The trophys
Morning bacon
Socks brought in his new house for all to see.



Laser cannon vagina (never i have seen anything like that or laughed so hard in my life)


New Member
Righty right! I have officially just woken up... After getting back to dundee so I guess I can drop feedback now. But first, Thank you very much! All of you! You were all immensely lovely people and I remember as me and Rebel were walking to his car mentioning that you are all just... bloody immensely pleasant folks. As soon as I got back into my flat I just put the flyer thingies on the table as if to say.. Hey.. Flatmates. Go to this lan. Dooo eeet.

Okay! Now time for the good The bad and the ugly as it were.

The Good: Really awesome community of people you got here, Seriously Ive never felt so welcome with strangers in a long long time.
Where the tournaments were, They were well run, all personal networking issues aside.
Heatlamps in the sleeping area.... I could go on for days about how awesome this is. But dear tap-dancing christ this is one of the simplest and yet best things ever.
Ability to pay for bacon rolls. Yes. This was something that used to be done at TFF, but got phased out after a while, so waking up to bacon smell. Makes me happy to be alive.

The Bad: These are things that full admission, I dont know what the cause was etc.
League of Legends and BlackOps2, Despite the fact that these services were definately live, My PC couldnt contact either, Now I am back in my flat. Im able to contact both..
--And DC for the moving of steam backups and other such essential legal softwarez. Having not used DC in about 4 years, it was admittedly nice having so many people who knew what the fuck they were doing with it to help me get up and running. Though at the same time.. (Heres the advertising plug again) For the next LAN, I would suggest at least trialling FAP, since its easier to use and doesnt give the same issues that DC did with me, and I am sure that if more Lan's used it, the creator of the program would be willing to throw support your way in the event of fault etc.

The Ugly: Team could not possibly win. And my poor soldiering/medic skills. That is all.

Overall guys, Absolutely great Lan, I hope to come again soon enough, Maybe feburary if time and money allows. Till then, You guys have been great. So long and thanks for all the fish.


*looks disapprovingly*
TF2 Tournament was fun
Fireworks (particularly the last one)
Awards for tourneys, great job guys!
Dod's Sausage (and bacon)
Have you SEEN sock's PC case?!?!?
Banana! - Juggling bad ass with apples, fire, steel rules.

Not enough games with everyone involved!
Games that should have been played with everyone ended up being played too late.
Lack of big screen for games like risk and Mount your friends.
Never won mouse mat :<


The unmentionable movie, Ingrained in LAN history, what happens at LAN stays at LAN :eek:

All in all a good return to LAN just needs more big games in turn!


New Member
Screw you Dod, it's been as long since I was there too!

The Good:
The cheap bacon and sausage rolls is a fantastic idea, so simple too, it surprised me it hadn't been thought of sooner
Poker, I was so close to getting money, so damn close
Being back at LAN, it had been too long since my last LAN

The Bad:
A lack of big group games that weren't competitive, we all like some competition but we also like some games that are just for fun
My computers issue on the Saturday(but it's fixed now so it's fine)

The Ugly:
Too much LAN crack, the one thing I never missed in my time without a LAN
The movie...god that movie will haunt me for the rest of my life


Active Member
Gonna forgo the usual formatting for this.

So yeah, my PC died on the Saturday afternoon; hard drive failed. This means that the only group game I got to play was the first round of the TF2 doubles tournament. TF2 was alright to begin with, but the fun quickly wore off after it was clear we were outmatched and still had 3 more rounds to play. I don't usually play solder or medic, and I love the variety and unpredictability of TF2, so this setup was kind of a dud for me.

With that aside though, I had a surprisingly good time considering I was at a LAN party without a functioning PC. Like others have said, there wasn't that many big games going on and everyone was busy playing Fallout 4, so I didn't really miss out on all that much. Getting to see everyone and hang out after a year and a bit away from the LAN was great, and thankfully for me there was a consistent crowd to play board/card games with.

So yeah, it was a bit of a disaster but all things considered I had a damn good time.

8/10, would LAN.
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