tournament suggestions

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Well-Known Member
The problem with the standard game as tournies is there's certain people who almost always win it.

Some completely random game as a tourny would be fun.


You do realise the more you go on about CS, the less chance of us even running a server for it :p

Scotlan used to have a guy that went to some of their LANs who was brilliant at UT. He kept on going on to Matt about running a UT tourny. Matts response was this:

"Why should I run a tournament just for you that it is obvious you are going to win?"

I think our response is pretty much the same. The other aspect is, although people enjoy playing CSS as a fun game, they don't enjoy playing it competitively, myself being one of them.

If you can get at least 4 teams of 4 people interested, I will consider running one


New Member
I think Dave should just be appeased and given a counter strike tournament all for himself. It's not likle anyone else has a chance of winning... :p


New Member
You do realise the more you go on about CS, the less chance of us even running a server for it :p

Scotlan used to have a guy that went to some of their LANs who was brilliant at UT. He kept on going on to Matt about running a UT tourny. Matts response was this:

"Why should I run a tournament just for you that it is obvious you are going to win?"

I think our response is pretty much the same. The other aspect is, although people enjoy playing CSS as a fun game, they don't enjoy playing it competitively, myself being one of them.

If you can get at least 4 teams of 4 people interested, I will consider running one

There is no guarantee i would win at all, my mate OD-Tassadar is here this time, he stands a chance...

Besides! -> Doesn't that Zer0 guy win every single UT tournament? You still play that!


No ZeroG doesn't, he has, admitedly, won the last two but I have won it, Rock Munkey has won it. Each time there was only a few frags in it.

Also, we may be running that but it will not be prize winning this time.

Like I said though, post a thread. If you can get at least 16 people willing to enter it, then I will think about running then tourny. I can't say fairer than that.


Well-Known Member
I've won the UT2k4 insta 3 times out of the last 4, one before last I didn't play :) As F_Sake said he technically won one but since he was staff it didn't count. I don't know why I'm always top/near top since I never play the game outside the lan.

I still think completely random tournies would be better.


New Member
what is this geometry wars? am I the only person who doesn't know about it?

Also indeed, ZeroG does have some good ut skills, and a nice mouse matt for each time he one but it is always close. Everybody would like to have a chance at winning in a tournament hence the unknown ones such as the geometry wars and the new tf2, the theory being no one is good enough yet. I just hope enough people have it by then. Still I think the savage 2 might be out by then and it's free to demo on a lan

I'm not a fan of rts tourneys as they take forever. I think a guitar hero 3 knock out could be amazingly fun, it's multiplayer is supposed to be incredibly fun.

What I'm more worried about is a timetable for big games. I suggest 1 friday night to get everyone started, 2 sat afternoon, evening left air bucaneers and flatout2 and whatever else people play. Then on sunday about noon the 100 frag game followed by mad double dom


Well-Known Member
Q3 FTW??? :D - nah it dont matter ill be happy alsong as i get atleast one game on lan lol. :D
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