Unreal Tournament 2004 Score

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Thou Shalt Not Pass
Attached, the score screenshot from the Deck17 instagib first-to-100 match played on the sunday.
well done PseudoPhreak

p.s. did anyone manage to get a picture of my pc while it was dead? XD


Thou Shalt Not Pass
oops, forgot to actually attach the screenshot, and it wont let me edit the original post.
either that or my internet here is screwed up that badly


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Well-Known Member
heheh wish i took part now ... i usuly come high at the top on this :D. it's good to put the new names to faces now :)


Same sort of feelings here madman :) However, after the free for all carnage that was Cod4 (which i somehow came top on) i wasn't too keen on the big "clusterf**k" gaming where its not really down to how well you can move and aim and more about luck in where you spawn and how many people are nearby to spam towards :p

Suprised there wasn't a minute of cs source played but that is probably a good thing :) Team + objective based fps games are a more enjoyable thing at a lan for me than solo deathmatch style. Each to their own of course.


Thou Shalt Not Pass
the instagib grassy knoll was impossible, but i loved the bighead Double Dom, that was truely epic.


ut2k4 was amazing, the ctf was insane ... took so long!
and i demand some s&d cod4 next time ... prefferably the competative mod "promod 4 final" cos hardcore is annoyig ... but then again thats just me being an ass cos im addicted to cod4 :p
css would have been ok and im gutted i didnt have l4d
but the race to 100 was great fun ... gutted i didnt join at the start ... even though i would have still lost to the insane skills of the top2



well maybe i'll take part next time. usually its harder to not hit people when there is that many people in an instagib server on a map like that. o_O


Thats because it was before your time :) I won the very first one :p

It was probably on ut2k3 when i was a few behind pumpkin.

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