Vista: Install or set disk alight?


The Crude One
Staff member
Ignore all the naysayers tbh.

I have used Vista since day one in both its 64 and 32 bit flavours. I have had no problems with either that a quick google hasnt been able to fix. And that is over the course of three computers.

It doesnt nom all the resources as so many are quick to point out as I have used it on a machine with 1gb ram and it still coped just fine with CSS, UT2k4 and Zero Hour (The only games I played at the time)

Vista, Just works. Almost everything I have tried to do on it has just worked (other than Punkbuster and after spending 5 minutes setting up correct directories and things after a format sorts out the UAC problems.

Admittedly though, I would say that if you havn't made the change already there probably isnt much point. Hang around until 7 to save spending money on a Vista licence.


New Member
aye, vista makes xp look archaic when you've been sitting on it for a while. My advice would be go 64bit vista, beta software is exactly that - its still not quite ready for consumption yet, but once it is - w7 all the way! I know I will be.


Well-Known Member
i have seen benchmarks that been test with same hardware between vista and xp and xp won in them all!

and i hear that windows 7 is on par with windows xp on benchmarks.


I've been using vista 64bit and its been fine for me, don't see why everyone even gives a toss about minor differences in performance between XP and Vista, its hardly the kind of difference that leads to a game becoming unplayable.

the ONLY thing i don't like about vista is the way they got rid of overlay so you can't have a second display automatically going to fullscreen if you play a video. But due to buying a new monitor that natively does 1080p i'm not that fussed about that either now.


New Member
Incase anyone cares I went with Vista x64, managed to get a copy of Ultimate off ebay for £65!! (its a system builder disk too i'm pretty chuffed with that!)

I don't doubt i'll be posting again shortly after i've got it installed to vent about why i hate Vista/x64 :D


Captain Hammer!!
i had to install vista x64 at the weekend.
Had bought more ram and installed XP Pro x64 but for some reasons alot of software refused to work (itunes, msn messenger) so i installed vista business x64.
Definitely a resource hog, its using about 2gb average, that's with my background apps running. It seems to alt tab TF2 quicker!!
Taking a little while to get used to, first thing i did was disable UAC.
One major downside is that FolderSize doesn't work with it, but that's not vistas fault.

Deep Blue

Staff member
I think you need 4gb of ram for vista really don't ya? At a minimum if your gamer.

I see ram is pretty cheap at the moment, it might be worth upgrading to 8gig and going vista 64:D
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