Website coding - help needed


New Member
Dunno if this is the right section but interwebs seems right to me!

I'm trying to throw together a site at the mo and i want a news page, thing is i only want the last say 10 items to appear.
Never had to set anything like this up before, i've had people barking database at me but don't know where to start.

Anyone ever created something similar to this or do you happen to be a coder who can help me with this madness!

Someone also told me to use wordpress to make a news feed but i've heard conflicting reports about its security



Active Member
I'm a hardware and software techie so this isn't my field of expertise.... I'll ask a few friends for you though


<- Web Developer

Firstly, what are you using? php/MySQL?

Next, are you using a CMS, or just something your throwing together?

Feel free to add me to msn btw, i can assist in real-time :)



New Member
Thanks to the both of you for responses, i'll bring the site along with me to BL so i can show you it, i'm utterly useless when it comes to all things web based, its kinda the main reason i'm trying to do a site.

I know i've got 10 databases assigned to my 1&1 beginner account, as far as i know its MySQL but i'll need to confirm

Thanks again
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