New Member
Hi everyone 
Like oomska, it was Everlong who showed me this board and what looks like a real nice community.
I'm Derek, I'm 19 and live in Aberdeen.
I like to dabble in a few different games, none of them very well but I'm always up for a game when I can be.
Play a bit of CS, Word in Conflict, COD, TF2, Demigod, WoW (Turalyon - Alliance), GRID, L4D
I work at stupid o'clock in the morning so I'm usually around in the afternoon for some gaming.
Steam ID: [SCM] Rubix
Steam URL:
When I'm not sitting in front of a screen you can find me in the north sea with my surfboard or playing at a contest with a geeky brass band.
I'm afraid I won't be making to the next LAN as I already have plans for that weekend unfortunately, but hopefully the next one to meet some new face
Hopefully see some of you at the Pendulum gig next month!
Like oomska, it was Everlong who showed me this board and what looks like a real nice community.
I'm Derek, I'm 19 and live in Aberdeen.
I like to dabble in a few different games, none of them very well but I'm always up for a game when I can be.
Play a bit of CS, Word in Conflict, COD, TF2, Demigod, WoW (Turalyon - Alliance), GRID, L4D
I work at stupid o'clock in the morning so I'm usually around in the afternoon for some gaming.
Steam ID: [SCM] Rubix
Steam URL:
When I'm not sitting in front of a screen you can find me in the north sea with my surfboard or playing at a contest with a geeky brass band.
I'm afraid I won't be making to the next LAN as I already have plans for that weekend unfortunately, but hopefully the next one to meet some new face
Hopefully see some of you at the Pendulum gig next month!