Ooooh we're only a few days away from our xmas drinkies!! I'm excited (I dont get out much

I think the plan is to meet at The Old School House between 4-5pm and then decide where to go on from there. Last year we opted for a KFC mega bucket as our xmas meal and i'm guessing it'll probably head the same way this year as booking in for an actual meal somewhere at such short notice is going to be near on impossible.
So far we have an awesome group of people confirmed as coming but it would be great if more of you lovelies could make it too. Add your name below if you wish to attend as nearer the time I will pm you all my mobile number just in case you may be late and we've moved on from The Old School House.
- Dex
- Piglet
- Dave
- Frazer
- Coob
- Dod
- Harry
- Will
- .......