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  1. K

    best moment so far

    I'm shocked by the lack of videos! :D
  2. K


    everyone taking part make sure you take some before/after pics!
  3. K

    What a surprise! (not)

    Don't mention the war! I mentioned it once, but i think i got away with it...
  4. K

    What a surprise! (not)

    I'd prefer not to have it but i can live with it. I fucking love BF3!!! :)
  5. K

    My headset is no more...

    Best headphone purchase i've ever made
  6. K

    Happy Birthday Husky!

    Happy birthday!
  7. K

    BreachLAN Saturday Night Pizza Order

    I'll be a filthy scrub and bail on LAN to do this, "work" thing. So won't be having pizza :(
  8. K

    Happy Birthday Socks for hands

    Happy birthday Socks!
  9. K

    Planned outage

    I am disappoint. Thought this thread was about a night out!
  10. K

    BreachLAN connection problems

    I couldn't connect to the mumble server the other day. Just tried again about 5 minutes later and it eventually worked, just put it down to my crappy connection though.
  11. K

    Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm trailer
  12. K

    Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm trailer

    I'd say Blizzard are quite good for meeting their release date. Although they do keep postponing the announcement of the release date...
  13. K

    Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm trailer

    Holy jesus titty balls this looks goddamn sweet can't wait to get stuck into this. Say what you want about Blizzard, they know how to market a product. A RELEASE DATE WOULD BE NICE THOUGH >.<
  14. K

    BreachLAN 19 : Game Nominations

    Battlefield 2 definitely. I'd prefer MW to MW3, as i don't plan on buying it. Nothing stopping us doing both. And of course the usual TF2, L4D2, CS:S, Killing Floor, Flatout 2, Trackmania derpderp
  15. K

    Moving to a new Mumble server

    I see you've got your own office now :P
  16. K

    Cities XL £0.99 @ Steam.

    Back to £9.99 :(
  17. K

    RAGE (AMD Driver Warning)

    And ban you from Leauge of Legends? ^.^
  18. K

    Keyboard mastery

    I remember SocksforHams telling me about this and just found it on my Saturday night web browsing, really funny! <a href="" target="_blank">
  19. K

    Battlefield 3

    This. So much this.
  20. K

    Battlefield 3

    How big is the download?
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