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  1. Skull

    The BreachLAN 21 Pizza Order

    Note to anyone else, the order has been sent off, however if you need to make an amendment please come and see me at the LAN on Friday, preferably before 6pm, as there is a window for any adjustments if needed
  2. Skull

    The BreachLAN 21 Pizza Order

    I have done that for you Evers, thankfully I saw the post as I was putting the order together. Order submitted, Form Closed. Any orders recieved from now are not guaranteed to be recieved.
  3. Skull

    One week to go!

    I'm up on the train on Wednesday :)
  4. Skull

    The BreachLAN 21 Pizza Order

    The form will be locked at 12:00 - Mid Day.
  5. Skull

    Youtube Greats

    You'll actually notice it fairly well matches the scnene from the Incredibles as well (except it's the brother and sister combo, the scene from in the forest) XD
  6. Skull

    Youtube Greats

  7. Skull

    Breach21 needs YOU

    I have my old XFX8800GT lying around here, I could bring that up for "The Grand Piano" 's use at the LAN if needed (it's not gone back into my PC yet as I don't have a PSU big enough for two cards XD See Knotty's post below
  8. Skull

    Middlands Lan

    I'd love to come down for it, however transport is a bit of an issue :(
  9. Skull

    TF2 - Meet the Pyro

    Oh they definately did a good job on it, it's just completely out of tone of the rest of the Meet the Classes (watched all of them last night xD)
  10. Skull

    The BreachLAN 21 Pizza Order

    Just to bump that these orders are being submitted on Monday - Anyone still wanting to place an order has until Monday to do so. We will find out prices when we submit the order on Monday.
  11. Skull

    TF2 - Meet the Pyro

    I actually thought it was a joke at first.
  12. Skull

    TF2 - Meet the Pyro

    So it landed yesterday and OH GOD WHAT DID I JUST WATCH! See for yourself:
  13. Skull

    Happy Birthday ZeroG!

    Happy Birthday Mark! Hope it's a good one!
  14. Skull

    TF2 - Meet the Pyro

    ahhh, good hunting :D
  15. Skull

    Hello from a Posh Robot

  16. Skull

    TF2 - Meet the Pyro

    Is it almost here? - (that was posted yesterday)
  17. Skull

    Another Friday...

    You may want to lay off the vodka there mate :P
  18. Skull

    World of Warcraft: The BreachLAN Brotherhood - Maybe try using Conversations (PMs) then?
  19. Skull

    World of Warcraft: The BreachLAN Brotherhood

    If you don't have Cata already it gives you free upgrade to Cata, worked for me.
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