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  1. G

    An old face returns...

    I'm just going to sit and throw stuff at you, Will. :P
  2. G

    An old face returns...

    Cheers Dex. I'll come bearing TF2 (which I'm rubbish at), SC2 (which I'm rubbish at) and CoD 4 (which I'm mediocre at). Might also bring Rome 2, but I've not bought it yet so I don't know if LAN battles are possible.
  3. G

    Pathfinder RPG

    I'd be willing to run a short scenario at BL 27 for anyone who wants to try out some non-computer related gaming. Rocking it like it's the 70s! Any takers?
  4. G

    The Secret World

    I've two characters on TSW, both fairly melee-orientated but I've not picked it up in a while.
  5. G

    Anybody still play?

    As I'm working in Shetland now, I'm picking this up again to kill some time, as long as the barge internet plays ball.
  6. G

    An old face returns...

    I remember when this was all green fields, etc etc. So what do I need to brush up on then, folks?
  7. G

    Brink Pre Order DLC

    Brink does indeed look the mutt's nuts.
  8. G

    An update on the status of BreachLAN

    Ah crap, I paid before realising this had happened. I'm more than willing to pay an increased cost if it means that the only decent-sized LAN event in this neck of the woods continues. I'd hate to see it go the way of ScotLAN.
  9. G

    BreachLAN 11: Seating Plan

    Ach, boo! :(
  10. G

    BreachLAN 11: Seating Plan

    39 so I can grab a premium sleeping space!
  11. G

    Breachlan journey to i38

    I can punt some Christmas dates for this, but I can't drive :(
  12. G

    Breachlan journey to i38

    I'd probably be up for it, holiday days and cash flow permitting. I can't drive though.
  13. G

    Need more peeps please :)

    Erk, no way that I can pay by this Sunday -- it'll be the end of August before I can pay.
  14. G

    Need more peeps please :)

    I'm hoping to be able to make it to this one -- got to do some budget jiggery pokery.
  15. G


    For rather obvious reasons o_O
  16. G

    Games List

    What about DoW or Empire?
  17. G

    Hanger access / Corp Roles

    Given that you're 73% addicted to CS, your view doesn't count.
  18. G

    Mining Mondays

    Going to work on Drone skills next; two Strip Miners and some Mining Drone 1s should get a respectable amount of ore in.
  19. G

    Mining Mondays

    I will see if I can get online tonight; over the weekend, I managed to finish up the skills for a Retriever with tier 2 cargo holds.
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