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  1. G

    BreachLAN voice server - Mumble Server Connection Details

    Website ain't working for me.
  2. G


    For those new folks joining the corp, once it's set up, one of the most important things is to get the Salvaging skill trained as soon as possible. It gives an extra revenue of income whilst doing missions as you salvage the wrecks of the drones/ships that you destroy and then sell those parts...
  3. G

    BreachLAN Does EvE Online - New Corp Setup

    1. No skills yet, got a half decent Charisma so it'll be easy to train. 2. None. 3. At the moment, Z. 4. BEST. Breach Engineering, Security and Transport. 5. Currently running as a military character, will be branching out into leadership skills too.
  4. G

    NEWS: BL Site Pages

    Could do some stuff for tournaments at the LAN: get admin done so we can just jump in! :D
  5. G

    Breachlan journey to i36

    Hmm -- I won't be able to make i36 but I'm going to try for i37. Most likely not going to take my own PC though and just pay for one down there.
  6. G

    EvE LAN / Breachlan Warm Up

    Minmatar with a Rifter ;)
  7. G

    EvE LAN / Breachlan Warm Up

    A fair point, G, but as we're not going to promote anyone into any position of power until we've actually met them, I don't see any issue with linking the corp with the LAN. After all, it's going to come out eventually anyway.
  8. G

    EvE LAN / Breachlan Warm Up

    Also, just to point out I don't like using community names directly. For example, I don't want us to name the corp "BreachLAN" but rather something on that theme. Into the Breach would be a good example of what I'm aiming for.
  9. G

    EvE LAN / Breachlan Warm Up

    Problem with WoW is that those who already playing are liable to be splintered around the various different servers. Not so easy.
  10. G

    EvE LAN / Breachlan Warm Up

    Aye, obviously going to be easier with newer characters due to sec standings, etc.
  11. G

    BreachLAN #10 Feedback

    Haha, FFA Shipment is awesome. Run and gun!
  12. G

    EvE LAN / Breachlan Warm Up

    Andy, Z and I are contemplating making a BL corp, with focus on mission running and trading. Some PvP on the side, of course. Anyone else interested?
  13. G

    EvE LAN / Breachlan Warm Up

    Yeah, I'll be doing either Learning IV or V by Tuesday ;)
  14. G

    Unreal Tournament 2004 Score

    Fucking hell, Chojin! I had forgotten about him! Anyone know what happened to him?
  15. G

    EvE LAN / Breachlan Warm Up

    How successful was this, gemini? Just wondering if there are many other folks who signed up.
  16. G

    Next event...

    I was expecting my ma to give me a lift home in the afternoon -- turned up before I was even awake! :/
  17. G

    BreachLAN #10 Feedback

    Perhaps some small scale tournaments for bragging rights? CoD4 HC HQ? TF2? A 2v2 RTS tourney?
  18. G

    Next event...

    So when's the next one then, eh?
  19. G

    Excellent event

    There was much jollity to be had! :D
  20. G

    EvE LAN / Breachlan Warm Up

    If we're able to get online at the LAN and some folks want a hand doing missions, I've got a new character -- Minmatar who has just grabbed her first Destroyer which is brilliant for running level 1 missions.
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