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  1. sirflukesalot

    September Pub Lunch

  2. sirflukesalot

    Dundunduuuuunnnn Xmas Partaaay!

    aye im up for bowling too +1
  3. sirflukesalot

    BUNKER October 11th

    yup yup yup
  4. sirflukesalot

    Youtube Greats

  5. sirflukesalot

    Games night Saturday 29th August

    by someone who on no less than 6 occasions told people to report mintr for hacking =P
  6. sirflukesalot

    September Pub Lunch

    im in!
  7. sirflukesalot

    Let's get this party started

    so are you actually booking your seat then lol:p
  8. sirflukesalot

    ive ordered all my mead making stuff only have to decide what if any fruits /spices to add...

    ive ordered all my mead making stuff only have to decide what if any fruits /spices to add...
  9. sirflukesalot

    Aberdeen CAMRA Beer Festival

    Im already there expected way more traffic
  10. sirflukesalot

    Aberdeen CAMRA Beer Festival

    sound decent see you there!
  11. sirflukesalot

    New PC

    you've missed hard drives that cpu/mobo combo i believe would work if you are going to use you're old water cooler you will need some thermal paste such as: this and you will need to give the bottom contact plate a clean beforehand
  12. sirflukesalot

    New PC

    build it yerself man even i managed to do it first try without breaking something ;) if you are worried get something like scansure(assuming you decide to buy yer stuff from ) which covers you if you happen to manage to break anything when putting to together(or its already broken...
  13. sirflukesalot

    Comiconiconiconicon !

    sure sounds good
  14. sirflukesalot

    Comiconiconiconicon !

    sure ill go too! where do you want to meet?
  15. sirflukesalot

    Aberdeen CAMRA Beer Festival

    i will be off work yes i can meet whenever
  16. sirflukesalot

    Aberdeen CAMRA Beer Festival

    im in!
  17. sirflukesalot

    Its alive =D

    Its alive =D
  18. sirflukesalot

    nice Tyr my new case +parts are arriving tomorrow gonna have to build it myself so should be...

    nice Tyr my new case +parts are arriving tomorrow gonna have to build it myself so should be interesting
  19. sirflukesalot

    Youtube Greats

  20. sirflukesalot

    The Good The Bad The Ugly

    The Good: food was bang on board games were really good fun(maybe next time someone bring a camping lamp or two?) the MKX tourny was really good fun my new chair assembled at LAN :D bacon bacon? bacon bacon! bacon bacon bacon! bacon BACON! The bad: my old chair collapsed after 17 years of...
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