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  1. sirflukesalot

    Windows 10 Preview

    They skipped 9 due to badly coded programs that only looks for "windows 9" rather than 95/98 which could cause compatability problems Pic here
  2. sirflukesalot

    Hotline Payday

    Well they said here is definitely a heist but we will have to see what else they include
  3. sirflukesalot

    Youtube Greats

    oh russia....
  4. sirflukesalot

    Happy 1st Anniversary, Dex and Fay

    Happy ANNIVERSARY totally didnt type the wrong thing.....
  5. sirflukesalot

    Happy birthday blitz

    Happy Birthday BLITZ!
  6. sirflukesalot

    BL31 Kitchen

    this is the main reason i usually only eat food which is in its own container as i know im too lazy to wash things and i bring about eleventy billion knives and forks with me every lan its not hard...
  7. sirflukesalot

    Unrest In Red Team

    tut tut spyky
  8. sirflukesalot

    Red Team Assemble!

  9. sirflukesalot

    Red Team Assemble!

  10. sirflukesalot

    Red v Blue The Teams

    fixed it for you dod
  11. sirflukesalot

    Red v Blue The Teams

  12. sirflukesalot

    BreachLAN 30 - The Theme

    erm when will we learn what team we are on ? im thinking of getting something team coloured but well i aint buying one if i end up on the wrong team
  13. sirflukesalot

    BreachLAN 30 - The Theme

    how about gang beasts? or fist full of frags thats free? they are both pretty awesome and could be done really easily?
  14. sirflukesalot

    Bunker 31 Rules

    did tell you months ago
  15. sirflukesalot

    BreachLAN 30 - The Theme

    I only have one thing id like to ask about this Can you please not include All the games played at the lan? or do the competitive one after some for fun rounds? at the Last lan the massive games were roflstomps all one way or the other(tf2 and chiv for red and UT and CS:GO for blue litrally...
  16. sirflukesalot


    according to my steam yes you do dex
  17. sirflukesalot

    Pub Lunch 13th july 2014

    im up for this!
  18. sirflukesalot

    Pizza Order

    on behalf of dod no you havent knotty
  19. sirflukesalot

    BreachLAN #30 Raffle

    Indeed im sure it will grow still!
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