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  1. sirflukesalot


  2. sirflukesalot

    Arm patches!

    Here they are!
  3. sirflukesalot

    So that Steam Sale
  4. sirflukesalot

    Hope your ready!

    till summer sale
  5. sirflukesalot

    Arm patches!

    im lazy paint plus image from google =P
  6. sirflukesalot

    Youtube Greats

  7. sirflukesalot

    Arm patches!

    right order is in for: 6 patch's Me dod ollleran coob socks ZeroG
  8. sirflukesalot

    Arm patches!

    Its looking like it will be aprox £7.50 per patch
  9. sirflukesalot

    Arm patches!

    me and a few others are looking to get custom arm patches to promote how awesome breachlan whilst we are out shooting each other and having fun and so I am putting this up to see if anyone else wants one here is the mock up of the patch WITH PLACEHOLDER TEXT top text will read Breach Regulars...
  10. sirflukesalot

    Youtube Greats

  11. sirflukesalot

    Happy birthday Flukes!

    :D thanks guys!
  12. sirflukesalot

    Happy Birthday Mast

    Happy birthday
  13. sirflukesalot

    Important - Please read

    aye and if any extra is needed look my way too not going to let dex and Co. have to pay for whoever did this after the time and effort they put in
  14. sirflukesalot

    The Good, The Bad, and the Fugly.

    THE Good: how animated Friday night was, that's usually the calmest night of the prev lans Gang beasts-that was hilarious THIS-'nuff said food all present and correct how comfy my bed was in the morning more faces i haven't seen before :) The bad: how comfy my bed was in the morning The...
  15. sirflukesalot

    Youtube Greats

  16. sirflukesalot

    Curse of LAN, and I'm not even there yet...

    heres a couple links to list of the most played/big games: and some others not in any way garunteed to appear but may be worth...
  17. sirflukesalot

    Youtube Greats

  18. sirflukesalot

    Oh Hai

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