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  1. Amesy

    Competition time

    AC. Get your skillz in here!
  2. Amesy

    GTA V

    ColonelAmes Add Meez
  3. Amesy

    BreachLAN 2016

    Awesome! Thanks, Dod. Can't wait to see you guys again. I'm hoping to do one of the Early LANs so hopefully around Feb. #GirlieExcitement
  4. Amesy

    BreachLAN 2016

    Do you guys have dates for next year, already? I fancy me a LAN!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Amesy

    Happy Birthday Deep Blue (for yesterday)

    Sorry this is a Day late (still got the text and Card in on time though) Hope you had a good relaxing day, buddy. Love you Muchly
  6. Amesy

    Games night the return

    Can we fit another in before new year?
  7. Amesy

    Happy Bithday Piglet

    Bon Anniversaire. So sorry it's late. Dex and Finn spoilt you rotten ;)
  8. Amesy

    Some Sad News

    GL HF. We'll still see you both around, so this is not a goodbye
  9. Amesy

    NO MINTR????

    What on Earth have you done, Harry? Whatever it is I hope you recover quickly, mate.
  10. Amesy

    Player 3 has entered the game....... Finally!

    Words Cannot express how happy Theresa and I are for you. We cannot wait to meet the little guy. WHOOP WHOOP!
  11. Amesy


    Guys I don't know how you all voted (or even if you voted) but I am very glad and relieved that we remain as One. Although Scotland may very well have survived (at least for a while) as an Independent country, the rest of the United Kingdom would have suffered quite drastically. not only that...
  12. Amesy

    1st BreachLAN Games night

    Despite my continued loathing of a game I once loved, I enjoyed last night. I was great gaming with so many peoples. Can't wait for the next one.
  13. Amesy

    1st BreachLAN Games night

  14. Amesy

    NO MINTR????

    I'll send AC up in his place then, Eh?
  15. Amesy

    Happy 1st Anniversary, Dex and Fay

    Hope you have an awesome day guys. I wish with all my Heart I could be there to say it in person. It's actually killing me not being about to see you. Love you both very, very much.
  16. Amesy

    1st BreachLAN Games night

    All over it like a rush
  17. Amesy

    Games Night

    Payday 2 / TF2 / CS:S / Dirt2
  18. Amesy


    Many hearty congratulations, Doddy boy! You smutty little bastard, you. Chuffed for you, Fella.
  19. Amesy

    Cringeworthy Gaming Stereotypes

    I watched the whole thing and now I think I need a lie down.
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