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  1. Amesy

    BreachLAN visits Silverstone F1 (2015)

    I would love to more than I could possible describe to you but I just could not afford it this year. Whilst you are down, perhaps we could meet up at a Pub, though? I'd be happy to make the hour drive to Silverstone for an evening with you fine folks.
  2. Amesy

    Hello from a Breachlan irregular

    Hire a car and drive it dude. S'what I do..... Although I use my own car and add 1200+ miles in one weekend.
  3. Amesy


  4. Amesy


    ... For being a complete Twat and disappearing for several Months. Going to make a really huge effort to really get involved with you guys again. I've missed you all.
  5. Amesy

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas y'all, and a Happy New Year. My New Years resolution is to find time for the BL forum again. And also to get on Mumble more. Miss you guys.
  6. Amesy

    Christmas night out 2012

    So left out :*(
  7. Amesy


    What's it what's this like Flukesy? I've been thinking of getting one for bf3 as my old Logitech just doesn't do what's it mean to.
  8. Amesy

    Return of The PK

    Thought that Peace Keepers were resurrecting for a moment there.
  9. Amesy


    What up yo. Welcome to THE place to be.
  10. Amesy

    The new way to buy games

    Sorry for my lack of presence the last few month. I don't get any time on the net at all. Thought I'd break radio silence with a belter :)
  11. Amesy

    The new way to buy games Finds the game you want for the cheapest on the web. Most of the sites give you a useable CD Key that you just activate in Steam/Origin/Whatever Blizzard use.... Happy shopping.
  12. Amesy

    Why hello there

    It takes me 9-10 hours from London, so no way 8 from Glasgow. :) Welcome to the best gaming community I've ever had the pleasure to be a part of. You'll love it here dude.
  13. Amesy

    Hello (again?)

    Hey Negs, welcome back dude.
  14. Amesy

    Boredlands 2

    Purchased and downloading. Good shout, Dave..... and thanks for the heads up Adam.
  15. Amesy

    Happy birthday Tyr

    Happy Birthday King-the-most
  16. Amesy

    Happy birthday Amadeus!

    belated Happy Birthdayz
  17. Amesy

    BreachLAN 21 - The good, the bad and the ugly

    The Good Epic Pizza Deep Fryed Haggis Epic UT2K4 Music was spot on throughout the LAN (Not to loud, not too quiet) Great Mix of Games Epic raffle prizes... seriously, there was some expensive stuff going. Kustom sponsorship Kitchen kept clean and tidy and good range of utilities The Bad...
  18. Amesy


    Set up and ready :D
  19. Amesy

    One week to go!

    525 mile drive, here I come.
  20. Amesy

    Happy Birthday ZeroG!

    Belated birthday wishes dude. Hope you had an awesome time.
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