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  1. Amesy

    Wrap up warm

    Have fun guys. I'm wicked jealous of everyone that is going but I'll see you all at the next one in July. :D
  2. Amesy

    2 v 1

    2x 24. a 27" would ruin your eyes after while unless you are a good distance from it.
  3. Amesy

    Computer/gaming station Pics

    Nice stimulating colour there, Will!
  4. Amesy

    Blur @ £3.74 on Steam

    Purchased for myself and gifted to a friend. WOOT!
  5. Amesy

    Coobie dobbie do

    Happy Birthday mate. Finally Legal...
  6. Amesy

    50% off Assassin's Creed Revelations

    I also have one if anyone want's it. SirFlukesAlot gets first refusal.
  7. Amesy

    Nuclear Dawn guest passes

    I'll take one, please, if one be going :)
  8. Amesy

    sup y'all

    In the words of Brad Pitt, "BON-JAW-NO" Welcome to to my home. fridge is on the right, LOLs are on the left. I too am a PS3 lover... finally I am not alone here. I do also have an xbox and a Gaming PC making me the Uber-gamer.
  9. Amesy

    payday the heist

    I too would love a copy, please. SteamID PK|Amesy or ColonelAmes (I can never remember whether it goes on login or you username)
  10. Amesy

    Steam developing their own console

  11. Amesy

    Seven weeks until BreachLAN 20.

    You and me both :S
  12. Amesy

    Youtube Greats

    Stealth be coming yo.
  13. Amesy

    Steam developing their own console

    Says it all really.
  14. Amesy

    Laptop in need of repair

    NOPE! Sorry dude. I know a good one that's 534 miles from you though.....
  15. Amesy


    Just bare in mind it does not include the exams, It's just the training
  16. Amesy


    CompTIA is the industry standard so Yes, I'd say it is very worth it.
  17. Amesy


    My Best mate was looking forward to this soooooo much. When he got it He was so disappointed he's not played it since the first run.
  18. Amesy

    Hey Fay. The Lottery Syndicate is taking out 14p several times every 7 days. Is that normal? Amesy

    Hey Fay. The Lottery Syndicate is taking out 14p several times every 7 days. Is that normal? Amesy
  19. Amesy

    English People

  20. Amesy

    Best ISP?

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