I wouldn't speak too soon. College will be the best years of your life (unless you go to Uni) Working sucks six ways from sunday no matter what you do or how long you do it. I'd give anything to me miserable at college again instead of being miserable here :P
MS are actually pretty good over the phone with stuff like this. if you do have issues and have the box and receipt to proove it is genuine, then they'll be cool about it all. maybe even give you something for your troubles if you press them.
Good lord, A fellow Hertfordshirian.... Hertfordshirite.... person from Hertfordshire. :D
Where abouts are you from Allison? I live in Potters Bar. Greg, If you're ever around, dude, let me know we can do Lunch.... or something.
I'm not sure what your budget is but I work with Dell laptops here at work and the Dell Latitude E4310 is both small, light and powerful enough to run what you want. Just a suggestion.
Despite loathing TF2 I will play with you guy, for love of BL. Coob, I'd be well up for a game of L4D2 either tonight or tomorrow, if you fancy it and can get 2 more in. Any takers?
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