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  1. PseudoPhreak

    animator vs animation
  2. PseudoPhreak


    welcome everyone to the latest incarnation of breachLAN, hope to see everyone in august
  3. PseudoPhreak

    BreachLAN #3 : 11th-13th August 2006

    Just to let everyone know, BreachLAN #3 is gonna be held mid august ( the exact date is in the subject of the topic). This LAN will be held in the same place as before, the scout hall in bridge of don, aberdeen (a map is on our main site) Hope to see everyone here. ttfn
  4. PseudoPhreak

    Seating plan shuffle

    As we havent gotten enough people to fill all our tables like we hoped, i have designed a new layout for #2. as you can see, i ve only really codensed the seats, most people are still in the same position i just moved the rows up a bit. the only...
  5. PseudoPhreak

    Games and Tourneys

    Please show your interest in what games you'd like to see played at the lan
  6. PseudoPhreak

    X-Men 3 Peak OH YEAH!!!!, you'd better believe this film is gonna kick ass!!!!!!! :twisted:
  7. PseudoPhreak

    Gamers lament top tournament loss
  8. PseudoPhreak

    FBI TOP 11 DEATHS OF THE YEAR some funny stuff on there
  9. PseudoPhreak

    How Evil Are You?

    Machiavellianism is the term psychologists use to describe a person's tendency to deceive and manipulate others for gain. So how evil are you? i scored 94!!!
  10. PseudoPhreak

    RGU users

    this is for all the rgu computing students, its a graphical representation of the users currently logged onto the network, pretty sweet for knowing where people are!
  11. PseudoPhreak

    Modesto Eight-Year-Old Steals Teacher's Minivan
  12. PseudoPhreak


    Just to let you all know, payments will be opening soon, we just need to clear up some things first and then the payment option will be available. expect the payments to be open this weekend at some point, maybe 18th March
  13. PseudoPhreak

    BreachLAN #2 : 2nd-4th June 2006

    After the success of the first BreachLAN, we have decided to have another one at the start of june \o/ Will be in early summer will hopefully have some good weather which means BBQ's, football, outdoorsy games!! Hope to see you all there! :D
  14. PseudoPhreak

    ipod for sale

    i recently upgraded a 30gb ipod video so i have my 20gb 4gen white ipod to sell. is scratched with general use so nothing major, everyones ipod has similar marks. i also have an itrip and italk to sell, will include these with the ipod for a total of ?140, u get the orignal box, a pair of...
  15. PseudoPhreak

    New graphics card

    well, i still cant decide which graphics card to get for my new system, upgrading to pci-e. looking at spending about ?150 on the graphics, any suggestions?
  16. PseudoPhreak

    Welcome peeps

    Just a quick message to welcome everyone, feel free to say what you want!
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