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  1. PseudoPhreak

    The truth behind the tigger incident?
  2. PseudoPhreak

    crab vs pipe
  3. PseudoPhreak

    seating plan

    hey guys, just to let people know,the seating plan is open and for the people who have paid, can you please choose your seats. the faster you pay the better choice you will have. if someone chooses the seat you want but you havent paid yet, you will need to sort it out between yourselves thanks...
  4. PseudoPhreak


    hi, im kris
  5. PseudoPhreak

    canned air

    hey guys, im about to order some tins of canned, compressed air for cleaning inside computers, etc. but i noticed i can get them cheaper if i buy in bulk, so i wondered if anyone else wanted to chip in and get some and save some money. pc world sell them for about ?10 a can for the same...
  6. PseudoPhreak

    night out 10th november 2006

    as some of u may know, it is my 21st birthday on the 8th, and i plan on having a few drinks on the friday 10th in town. everyone is invited so come along. show ur interest here
  7. PseudoPhreak

    new logo?

    what do u think, the background is transparent so the warped bits with the background shining through is the actual background of whatever page its on
  8. PseudoPhreak


    what do u think
  9. PseudoPhreak

    MOVED: Selling x1800

    This topic has been moved to Sales.
  10. PseudoPhreak

    BreachLAN #4 CANCELLED!!!

    Sorry guys, but due to low numbers of payments we have had to cancel this lan. It's not financially viable for us to run with this low numbers and it would also be a poor experience for you guys. For people who paid, you will of course be offered a refund, or you can leave it with us as payment...
  11. PseudoPhreak

    When should BreachLAN #5 be? Have your say

    hey guys, to prevent anotherr lan from not going ahead, we want to get the best idea of when is best for people so that we can get the highest numbers as possible. Thanks for your input
  12. PseudoPhreak

    Tourneys Prizes

    Jsut to let everyone know that we will once again have prizes for the tourneys, kindly donated from our very nice sponsor, crucial. Please show your appreciation by purchasing your ram from them, use the link on our main site so they know ur with us. they've got some new kick ass ram, Ballistix...
  13. PseudoPhreak

    TFT monitor wanted

    hey guys, i was just wondering if anyone had a working TFT montior that they are selling, 19" would be ace, 17" also good, 15" is acceptable Thanks
  14. PseudoPhreak

    print server

    this is a request rather than a sale, does anyone have a usb print server that they no longer use, i would be grateful for one, either free or at a rather low cost thanks
  15. PseudoPhreak

    Saturday night pizza

    as per usual we are going to be putting in a huge order for pizza to one of the local places in aberdeen, because we put in huge orders, we normally get a pretty good discount on it (like 25%) and some frebbies. we tend to go for the 2 foot square pizzas, which are fecking huge, one of them can...
  16. PseudoPhreak

    Circus circus

    just to let everyone know, our very own Olap is going to be playing with his band at cafe drummonds in Aberdeen on sunday 23 july, on stage about 7.45 "He is the Pollock"
  17. PseudoPhreak


    Just to let everyone know about this game. its an awsome demo with a great multiplayer, it gets released in the shops soon but i still say people should try the demo so they can see how good the online gaming is
  18. PseudoPhreak


    hey guys, im just thinking, with prey coming out soon, and it being such a fun game to play, we can maybe get some games of this going at the lan!!. what do u think?
  19. PseudoPhreak


    Well the event date is coming ever closer, we'd now like to start pushing for payments so we can get this one confirmed. once you have paid, you can choose your seat on the seating plan, and the faster you pay, the better choice you have. so pay soon befoer we start pestering you over and over...
  20. PseudoPhreak


    i just want to say congrats and very well done to Deep-Blue, Cerro and Lizii on acheiving their honours degree.
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