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  1. SocksFoHands

    AvP for $5 USD

    This site is pretty good, it's British based so you may be able to get GBP prices where you guys are but either way this is an awesome deal even in USD. As of writing this post the offer is good for another 20 hours so I'd get in there quick. Get yourself a key and put it on steam for a nice...
  2. SocksFoHands

    Steam saves defcon Damn, looks like all you defcon fanatics owe steam a big thanks.
  3. SocksFoHands

    Supreme commander 2 £16.99

    And that includes delivery. Also it apparently can be put on steam.
  4. SocksFoHands

    Breach 14 pics

    The ones I took came out stupidly dark even with the flash so I'm looking at you Dave, get em out! (that's what she said)
  5. SocksFoHands

    Another LAN finished

    Another great LAN guys, much thanks goes out to Greg, Dex, Sion and Scott for making Breach possible. My moments of the LAN will be my epic hour long DoW duel with SwiftTempest, the trabasty that was the UT2K4 gibfest and the success of my efforts to ruin ZeroG's sniping. Bloodnok, Sinner...
  6. SocksFoHands

    Dawn of War

    I'm just curious how many people own it and might be interested in a few games. I can play any of the expansions and I also own the second game.
  7. SocksFoHands

    £2 specials

    Freedom force (+expansion) and the whole Xcom pack are £2 each right now. Worth a punt at £2 wouldn't you say?
  8. SocksFoHands

    Breach newbie siging up

    Hey guys I'm SocksFoHands but you guys can call me Richard. I'm a buddy of gemini's who has been nagged for the past two years to come to this event! What I lack in skill and finesse I make up for with lots of... whatever the opposite of skill and finesse is. :confused: Hope to get some...
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