Search results

  1. Blackice

    APB Reloaded ?

    Same, not gonna apply though. Just cba tbh :p
  2. Blackice

    ddr3 so-dimms for sale

    If it was DDR2 would be well up for buying :p
  3. Blackice

    Duke Nukem Forever date announced

    No :)
  4. Blackice

    Happy Birthday Gemini

    Hope you had a good day :)
  5. Blackice

    R.I.P David aka HitmaN

    I am so sorry for your loss, very sad news.
  6. Blackice

    3 Word Story

    the thought of
  7. Blackice

    3 Word Story

    every time she
  8. Blackice

    Apache Lan 7 Is Go

    none of the links work :)
  9. Blackice

    A new way to control pc games?

    heeheehee got the image in my head now of a whole BreachLAN standign there playing Unreal2K4 XD
  10. Blackice

    Ubisoft Turn Off DRM Of Legend

    Thing is, probably around 90% of the people who pirate a game/movie would NEVER pay for it whether or not they pirated it in the first place, this on top of the fact that it has been PROVEN that if someone buys a game either them or the people around them are then more likely to buy sed game...
  11. Blackice

    Happy New Year Everyone!

    Happy New Year, although my head currently disagrees.
  12. Blackice

    Installing BF Badcompany 2 is being a chote!

    Extra Do'h for you. You could of just bought the expansion from EAstore for the same price as steam and then just entred the code you get via e-mail into the game and got access to Vietnam straight away and without buying all again through steam.
  13. Blackice

    Burnout:Paradise City FREE!!!

  14. Blackice

    So much WIN so LITTLE time :)

  15. Blackice

    Burnout:Paradise City FREE!!! Click that link
  16. Blackice

    So much WIN so LITTLE time :)

    Thought some of you might appreciate this :)
  17. Blackice


    aye XD and yeh it does, I think there is a very little chance that this film is going to be anything BUT fucking awesome, 3D just means that I am going to have to pay more money for not needed and over the top theatrics that do not give more to the movie.
  18. Blackice


    I nerdgazmed, then it said 3D
  19. Blackice

    BreachLAN Gameweek - Tonight, CoD4

    Hopefully I will be able to make it, am working all day and night but should be able to spare a couple of hours :)
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