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  1. Blackice

    Beard or scruffy?

    Duno, just never heard it mentioned before a month or so ago :p
  2. Blackice

    Seasons greeting!

    Welcome and see you soon :)
  3. Blackice

    Beard or scruffy?

    What is this Movember I keep hearing about?
  4. Blackice

    BreachLAN Xmas 2010 Dinner / Booze Up.

    Made me lol :)
  5. Blackice

    The lost pics of BreachLAN

    Still not too late for you to come along this time XD Every time I think it is not possible for me to get more excited for breach something else comes along and tops it :) Those pics are epic :p
  6. Blackice


  7. Blackice

    Hey all.

    YAYA!!! I am getting epic exited now :)
  8. Blackice

    Another Projector

  9. Blackice

    Another Projector

    ~double post~
  10. Blackice

    Another Projector

    Are we allowed to submit our own personal frag movies to the list?
  11. Blackice

    Pigs Fly! Duke Nukem Forever To Ship in 2011

    oooooooooooooold oooooooooooold XD
  12. Blackice

    Fairy lights? Meh. This is what you want! Quite epic imo :)
  13. Blackice

    Hedgewars 0.9.14 has been released!!!

  14. Blackice

    Hey all.

    Hey mate :)
  15. Blackice

    BreachLAN Advice

    So, I am needing some advice on the food side, is the a fridge we can use there? Any kitchen facilities we are allowed to use? Feel free to say "omfg all answered in this thread here--->" then link me if I am asking previously answered questions :)
  16. Blackice

    BreachLAN Advice

    Difference is, I can get rid of the virus by my self in a legal and safe manner :)
  17. Blackice

    IRC @ breachLAN 16

    WOOO The worlds best version of multiplayer notepad :) I have popped on a bit previously but no one seemed very talkative XD
  18. Blackice

    BreachLAN Advice

    This^^ I generally never have any AV or Firewall installed/up, prefer to be pro and not get them in the first place. Do have a couple of Antivirus programes .exe on standby just incase though. Never got anything a quick boot in safe mode, run of one or two AV's and possibly a quick google...
  19. Blackice

    Beard or scruffy?

    I generally hat it when it gets too long (starts to get ginger patches in pretty soon n silly stuff like that), but I hate it even more when it is all scruffy n not even :P *sigh* the woes of manhood, waaay harder then all that silly period stuff women have to deal with ;)
  20. Blackice

    Beard or scruffy?

    The ultimate question, should I let it grow out so I have a smooth beard for the event. Or shave on Friday before coming out and up with a scruffy bum effect on the go?
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