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  1. Blackice

    Call of Duty:Black Ops

    Who else has bought it/is planning on buying it? Don't know if it will have LAN capabilities but could def have some fun with online/zombie mod :p (Also the coop missions)
  2. Blackice

    Introversion Supports BreachLAN 16 - DEFCON Tournament

    So where do we sign up :p
  3. Blackice

    PC Problems, please help

    hmmmm, will give it a go! Will be awesome if that is all :)
  4. Blackice

    PC Problems, please help

    I use my headset. No seriously. I have a G35, which has an inbuilt sound card. Only use the on-board one when playing through speakers, which is rarely atm.
  5. Blackice

    Introversion Supports BreachLAN 16 - DEFCON Tournament

    Massive free for all match of something :p
  6. Blackice

    Scott Pilgrim vs The World

    Is it possible to squeeze any more awesome into a movie?
  7. Blackice

    PC Problems, please help

    No. I turned off the intel step thingy as that was making it crash even when opening programs :p
  8. Blackice

    Massive Internet Outages in The Area

    You live in Blackpool?
  9. Blackice

    Massive Internet Outages in The Area

    Heeheehee :p
  10. Blackice

    PC Problems, please help

    No it is not. It WAS OC to 3.02, is now at its stock speed of 2.4 (and has been since it reset itself.
  11. Blackice

    PC Problems, please help

    No I have not reinstalled yet, am trying to put that off for as long as possible, due to seriously running out of space across all my HDD's for non movie/game/tv shows related downloads (note: I am by what I just said admitting to or denying in any way my participation in any illegal downloads...
  12. Blackice

    [STEAM] Halloween Sale

    I bought Nation Red (although can not play coz of crashes :p) and my mate bought me FL:FOW
  13. Blackice

    Massive Internet Outages in The Area

    I was NOT happy :( Rang my ISP at 12 and the guy said that just about all of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Northern England went out :p
  14. Blackice

    PC Problems, please help

    So basically two+ weeks ago I bought a new case (partly because I wanted a new one and partly coz my old one was falling to bits), With the help of a mate we quickly and easily transferred my computer hardware over no problem. However since this day I have been having seriously bad crashes...
  15. Blackice

    Happy Birthday Scottish-Wolfsky !!!

    Happy Birthday :)
  16. Blackice

    Introversion Supports BreachLAN 16 - DEFCON Tournament

    GODDAMN IT! Now I have gone and bought the game because I would feel to guilty not, after them showing this much support :(
  17. Blackice

    Hey Folks

    Hey there :)
  18. Blackice

    Dogfighter @ BreachLAN 16

    Done :)
  19. Blackice

    Dogfighter @ BreachLAN 16

    So I just bought the four pack by accident :P Was in a rush to do it this morning before leaving for work so wasn't really paying attention. Anyone want a free copy? :p
  20. Blackice

    FS @ B16 : Matching Pair of XFX GTX260

    If you want to there is a CHANCE I will have the money for them by the LAN, no guarantee what so ever though so if you want to then feel free to advertise elsewhere and sell :)
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