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  1. Blackice

    Who's EXCITED

    I really am starting to now :)
  2. Blackice

    Gotta Love College Humor :D

    Indeed you do gotta love them :)
  3. Blackice

    Look at yourself after watching this

    Seen it a few times now, always makes me feel the same every time!
  4. Blackice

    Pendulum - 10th December - Aberdeen

    Hopefully I will, depends if I can drag the money together or not.
  5. Blackice

    BreachLAN Xmas 2010 Dinner / Booze Up.

    Was hoping on going down to see Pendulum if I can find the money, so if I could find somewhere cheap to stay as well might be able to tag along :)
  6. Blackice

    International caps lock day =)

    Says the person not taking part already XD
  7. Blackice

    FS @ B16 : Matching Pair of XFX GTX260

    So not discount if you buy them both together then :p Also, are they the 260 216?
  8. Blackice

    Warhammer 40K Novels

    Are they not both written by 'Dan Abnet' (Best writer in my view, close second Graham Mcneill) Anyone been following the movie?
  9. Blackice

    New Forums!

    Very shiny looking :) And on top of that everything works!
  10. Blackice

    Warhammer 40K Novels

    Haha yeh XD I am waiting anxiously as well, DAMN THOSE AMERICANS AND GETTING IT TODAY!
  11. Blackice

    Warhammer 40K Novels

    Cool, am just reading my way through them now. What other ones have you read?
  12. Blackice

    Happy Birthday SwiftTempest

    Have a good one!
  13. Blackice

    Warhammer 40K Novels

    Juuuust wondering if anyone else here reads or has read any of the novels?
  14. Blackice

    Simon Pegg is Awesome
  15. Blackice

    Pigs Fly! Duke Nukem Forever To Ship in 2011

    All my friends hated it :( I loved it but have no one to play it with :(
  16. Blackice

    Wearable Sleeping bag

    Meh, I just never feel 'at home' enough with sleeping bags and duvets, I sleep on a bed of cardboard (from component boxes) and under a cover of games manuals and instruction booklets from various components..... No seriously...
  17. Blackice

    CPU Cooling: How not to do it.

    :O What is the normal idle temp for you?
  18. Blackice

    New killing floor update!

    never played, is it any good :S
  19. Blackice

    New Case&Cooler

    Now I want a case like that XD If you mean that big purple one? I have one already :p
  20. Blackice

    New Case&Cooler

    My kind of case :) I like cases which are sort of a nerdier version of pit bulls, sit in the corner and growl at people they don't like :)
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