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  1. Blackice

    New Case&Cooler

    I get subbed to PC Gamer for my bday present XD I couldn't be arsed with driving lessons last or this year, too expensive for everything.
  2. Blackice

    New Case&Cooler

    I will curl up in the boot and it can sit in my space if necessary!
  3. Blackice

    New Case&Cooler

    heehee XD I was gona get a HAF but it is VERY wide and deep, this one is mainly just fucking tall :p Good, took a bit of a risk with the cooler as no one I know has one, nice to know I wasn't fooled by the shiny.
  4. Blackice

    New Case&Cooler

    So, I got given some money for my bday along with prezzies and so I added it up with some money I got from doing some work and decided to treat myself to a new case and CPU cooler (coz both of my current ones are somewhere between 'almost broke --> pretty much fucked'. So this is what I went...
  5. Blackice

    BreachLAN 16 - New Venue Information

    Has a built in strip club that will be free to attendees?
  6. Blackice

    BreachLAN 16 - New Venue Information

    Def is for me! Around an hour closer :)
  7. Blackice

    "The Sacrifice" - DLC for Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2

    Non of mine have started updating :(
  8. Blackice

    Games you want to play at BreachLAN 16

    Track Mania Nations?
  9. Blackice

    Happy Birthday Blackice!!!

    Hehheh, yes it was great thanks :)
  10. Blackice

    EA are suck ups!!
  11. Blackice

    A useful list of Free Games / Mods!

    Have most of the relevant ones already :rolleyes:
  12. Blackice

    Happy Birthday Blackice!!!

    Just dragged myself in through the front door now :p Somehow managed to drink my way through 6 pints of Guinness at the pub :s Then tried to sober up and ended up at some random other party :) Who said Hardcore gamers don't have 'lives' XD
  13. Blackice

    Happy Birthday Blackice!!!

    Heehee, thanks guys :) And yeh, I was planning on it Deep Blue :)
  14. Blackice

    Bloody rain

    Would be nice if the rain holds off here tomorrow, would prefer a dry Birthday over a wet one any day :) But then I would prefer a wet day over a wet n' windy one as well XD
  15. Blackice

    Games you want to play at BreachLAN 16

    I have just point blank refused to do them non coop :p at i38 (the one just before release) I did most of them and have not gone back and tried since :p
  16. Blackice

    Games you want to play at BreachLAN 16

    Sure, could do with finally getting around to getting Vet on all the coop missions :)
  17. Blackice

    Hi all

    Oh cool :) Didn't know that :) Might jump on later :)
  18. Blackice

    FOR SALE: Chieftec Dragon Full Tower Case

    Lol, I have one of those lying around somewhere as well XD What my first computer came in :)
  19. Blackice

    "The Sacrifice" - DLC for Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2

    Would def be up for a complete play through of L4D1 followed by L4D2 at the LAN with some people :)
  20. Blackice

    Transport needed

    PMed and thanks :)
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