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  1. D

    Deadbox Incoming!

    UPDATE: I've just sunk some funds into a raft of new internals and will be showcasing the performance at BreachLan (provided I get it up and running by then :D) Box should arrive today, bits tomorrow or Thursday.. so I'm cutting it fine to say the least
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    Borderlands So far

    basically it boils down to not handing in boss quests and farming the boss. I'm on the second playthrough and at the start of the new area there is a boss you have to put bait out for. 40k xp per kill and time to reset and complete is about 5 mins or so provided you are quick and dont screw...
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    Borderlands So far

    level 44 now! found a silly way to level quickly... I'm too used to farming things! I can't help notice the easy way to do stuff :-)
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    Deadbox Incoming!

    Symptoms are that it just doesn't do anything bar put the power light on and spin the fans.(No graphics output and no beeps that I remember) its been a year or so since I tried to boot it, so I dont really recall what is wrong. regards DDR2 -> DDR3 it was just a cost saving idea instead of...
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    Deadbox Incoming!

    hey guys I've got a deadbox being sent up from my parents ETA tomorrow. Before I discover how much is damaged or needs replacing I have a quick question is it possible to use DDR2 memory in a DDR3 board? As the most likely culprit for this deadbox is the following Graphics Card...
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    One Week to GO!!!

    lol the reason I may not come to the next one is that I'll be absconding the country at the end of the year for a new contract :D
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    Borderlands So far

    to be honest it needs to be made more difficult, it is good fun and there are lots of very cool details. It also needs extensive expansion, and possibly the levelling time increased, also gaining weapons should be slanted more towards difficult fights rather than randomly in boxes. For...
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    One Week to GO!!!

    lmfao, there will be no sex involved for me! Lots of dancing and if I'm lucky a kiss. Somethings are worth waiting for :D Hang on a minute Xippy are you insinuating that we arent in fact friends??? fair point :-)
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    One Week to GO!!!

    well if you had breast on your back.....
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    Borderlands So far

    So how you guys finding Borderlands so far? So far I've found single player to be a wee bit easy, whereas the multiplayer version much harder for seemingly very little gains. I think this might mostly stem from trying to fight stuff that is just too many levels above us. Also Second Wind abuse...
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    One Week to GO!!!

    ir slightly disappointed... I've just been informed last night that I have to be somewhere on friday night :-( There's a girl involved so sorry lads that takes precedence! BUT I shall be returning to breachlan at about 3:30am woohoo but worse for wear physically, then I'll start drinking proper!
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    Killing Floor Glitch and Tricks

    muhahahaah And my trick still works :P Making money since the level up patch FTW!
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    Borderlands - XBOX

    woot got borderlands! need to work on my graphics setting and stuff :-) I'm pretty sure it doesnt cope well with my external screen, seems a wee bit sluggish. I was also playing the game in 640x480! I really need to update my Gaming Rig from a laptop. level 7 before I left for work :D
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    Killing Floor Glitch and Tricks

    well it was working at midnight last night :-) I'll check tonight as soon as I get home :-)
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    is there a list anywhere of stuff that I really SHOULD pre-load before getting through the door? So far I've got a fresh Vista install with nothing but Steam and Killing Floor! Will prolly do TF2 install this weekend. but anything else I MUST have?
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    Borderlands - XBOX

    is it possible to preload before purchase? money wont hit my account till tomorrow :-(
  17. D

    Killing Floor Glitch and Tricks

    Wots of Wonga: Complete a round as medic, get to trader and buy and drop as many MP7M's as you can, with level 6 perk each gun's cost is £90. Once you are out of cash/bored change perks to whatever you wish. NOW people can pick up the MP7M's and sell each for £2250, people need to WAIT until the...
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    Borderlands - XBOX

    cool, I'm thinking about buying it on Steam tomorrow for PC so i can take it breachlan. I'll be going Hunter/Sniper me thinks and I've got an empty weekend so provided it runs on my system I'm going to be like level 25 by Sunday :-)
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    Borderlands - XBOX

    what classes did you guys pick? and how much gametime to get this far?
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    Killing Floor BreachLan Tournament:

    hmm... fire an M79 at a Fleshpound and you will know the meaning of pain when it doesnt die.... smoke + enraged FP = wipe Same deal with Flamers as well, they have the tendency to enraged Fleshpounds and Scrakes and make it near impossible for everyone else to target them effectively.... A...
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