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  1. D

    Killing Floor BreachLan Tournament:

    we'll be off steam, so we'll have to use a level 6 perk mutator, and its going to be a TEAM kill count that matters, no individuals. For the final though survivability might be REALLY useful
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    Borderlands - XBOX

    Has Anyone played this yet? is it worth getting I'd be getting it for PC and it seems to have been given a slating so far, but I've not seen very much tbh
  3. D

    Breach newbie siging up

  4. D

    Breach newbie siging up

    WOOT more KF buddies to enlist! NEED MORE ZEDS, we haven't got any yet :-)
  5. D

    Killing Floor Suicidal TONIGHT!

    Oh and get your arses in gear and get a team of 3 together if you are coming to breachlan :-) don't worry about perk levels as we will be using a level 6 perk mutator as we wont have steam access. EDIT: Maybe I should get Dex to plonk the mutator on his server so we/you can practice with the...
  6. D

    Killing Floor Suicidal TONIGHT!

    So how did you guys find Suicidal Last night? Sorry if it seemed a bit repetitive to redo the same map over and over, but we were making such good progress a change in tactics would send us back to dying much earlier. You will notice a huge change in ease as you guys increase in Perk level...
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    Killing Floor Suicidal TONIGHT!

    we can always drop it down a notch if we have newer players, that not a problem
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    Killing Floor Suicidal TONIGHT!

    I propose Suicidal Standard Maps as many peeps as we can get. I should be home and alive ready to play from 6-6:30 but I've just done a reinstall of vista so might have teething issues See you all there 1.Dioxin 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
  9. D

    Killing Floor BreachLan Tournament:

    Yeah I think the 3 man team idea has a lot of merit, also makes forming teams easier Terrified Trio 1.Dioxin 2.Xyphious 3.Deep Blue
  10. D

    KillingFloor Games tonight?

    whats wrong with tonight?
  11. D

    Killing Floor BreachLan Tournament:

    I just had an awesome thought, if we limit it to 4 players we might be able to get a couple spectators in as well! bound to be a server setting somewhere to not allow late joiners. Ok how about a format of free-choice of 3 of the official maps, submit high-scores via final screenshot (allows...
  12. D

    Wanna join up for the killing floor Breachlan team? there is a post up about it in breachlan 12 :-P

    Wanna join up for the killing floor Breachlan team? there is a post up about it in breachlan 12 :-P
  13. D

    Killing Floor BreachLan Tournament:

    I need to work on a level 6 perk mutator and my BackPack idea first :-) Problem is the SDK needs an update :-( Fearsome Foursome: 1. Dioxin 2. Xyphious 3.??? 4.??? Maybe I should hold auditions or something :eek:
  14. D

    Killing Floor BreachLan Tournament:

    psh I would love to see my accuracy rating from the weekend :-) £25 for ammo on a suicidal wave :-)
  15. D

    KillingFloor Games tonight?

  16. D

    Killing Floor BreachLan Tournament:

    Killing Floor BreachLan Tournament: I would like to propose a tourney for Killing Floor. Just need to work on format: So here are my suggestions: Difficulty Setting:Suicidal Measure of Success: Team Kill Count over the standard maps(need to submit screenshots of best final scores) Team Size...
  17. D

    KillingFloor Games tonight?

    I play most night, and I need to kick some of these guys butts to get higher level perks so we can really rock the world on Suicidal :-)
  18. D

    dLAN - Gauging interest

    Yeah those last few games of West London were EPIC! I went online last night and tried to see how survival was on there... OMG someguys wiped on Offices WAVE1! We were consistantly clearing to round 7-8 So basically a lot has to be said for concerted effort team work! We just need to work on our...
  19. D

    dLAN - Gauging interest

    aa-12 being adolecents aged 12?? YOU SICK MOTHA FUCKER!
  20. D

    dLAN - Gauging interest

    in order to die with dignity it infers you had some in life! COMPUTER SAYS NO!
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