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  1. Madfanta

    BreachLAN 17 Saturday Night Pizza Order

    XXL Spicy Meatball- Authentic Crust
  2. Madfanta

    The HitMan Red Alert 2 Tournament

    Awww short game, i was planning in going round the map in one image tank when i got defeated :P
  3. Madfanta

    An important message about Duke Nukem Forever

    Duke Nukem Fornever
  4. Madfanta

    Dead Island

    yeah ? :( It should still be good
  5. Madfanta

    Dead Island

    Dead Island is a new survival horror game coming soon. It was originally due out 2008 but it got delayed and there seemed to be no news on it for quite a while but its due out in september 2011 and I hope its as good as the trailer :D
  6. Madfanta

    Bully Smackdown

  7. Madfanta

    Projector Content for BreachLAN17.

    Is there gonna be a console corner at this LAN or have you guys done away with that ?
  8. Madfanta

    Jolt / Mtn Dew

    Liked Jolt for the cans lol
  9. Madfanta

    Bully Smackdown

    Scout Vs Heavy XD ""
  10. Madfanta

    3 Word Story

    antagonised homeless mudkipz
  11. Madfanta

    Jolt / Mtn Dew

    first preference would be 12 cans of voltage then 12 of code red. If you cant get them then ill just get 12 of the original cheers (: Oh and a jolly rancher
  12. Madfanta

    Jolt / Mtn Dew

    Is it just original mtn dew or are you doing code red or voltage :)
  13. Madfanta

    The HitMan Red Alert 2 Tournament

    My truck ees loadeed :L
  14. Madfanta

    The HitMan Red Alert 2 Tournament

    Na man the crazy ivans lol. Has to be the most pointless unit in RA2 :p
  15. Madfanta

    Breach17: Official Games List

    kk i will download the demo
  16. Madfanta

    Breach17: Official Games List

    Is It just Halo Combat Evolved ? and wtf £39.99 for combat evolved :eek:
  17. Madfanta

    The HitMan Red Alert 2 Tournament

    Sounds Good (:
  18. Madfanta

    It's time we got this thread going.

    +1 for Mindshaft lol just getting into it and its ridiculously addictive :P had to see what all the fuss was about
  19. Madfanta

    Minecraft: The Last Minecart

    Never played minecraft... but now i really want to lol :p
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