I loved it how at the end of the LAN when i was putting the bottles in the bin Gemini asked me if i was old enough to drink
Im sorry i didn't know there was a certain age your supposed to be ;D
Good: I had no technical problems with games this time or conncectivity apart from 5 mins at the start which is all good
Bad: We only played the first L4D it would have been nice to play L4D2 and more Falldown because it was EPIC :D
Ugly: Socks face when he had a shot of Jägermeister lol...
Great Vid was able to know when around saturday 11:45 pm went over to scotts computer to try and get L4D2 working and... you guessed it STEAM FAIL :mad:
There is jolt on the site
Also loved the soundtrack on the bl13 Air Baloon :)
Let another Lantern off with my friends bounced off an overhead cable and went into someones back garden a couple of doors away decided it was best to go inside from then Lol
The LAN was overall good in my opinion considering it was my very first but ive noticed the add for American Soda on the site. why dont you buy in something like jolt, bawls or mountain dew which would sell very quickly i would imagine also It would more likely be a profit than a loss in my...
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