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  1. Everlong

    Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm trailer

    Words can not describe how excited I am about that expansion!! :D
  2. Everlong

    Battle of Bel'shir is awesome

    I'm game if there is space for another? Send me a message via Steam when you're thinking of kicking off! :D
  3. Everlong


    oh man, I'm so tempted!
  4. Everlong

    Question about posting pictures.

    Cool, thanks guys. Just created the post. I didn't know there was already a system in place for uploading photos. I should have tried it out first >.< Thanks for the help though. Cheers Evers :cool:
  5. Everlong

    Question about posting pictures.

    Hey all, just a quick question. What do you guys use to host pictures for posting on the forum? Thanks Evers :D
  6. Everlong

    New Frag Movie

    Love the vid and the music! Awesome job fella, thanks for sharing :D
  7. Everlong

    Happy Birthday cAtAcLySm

    Happy birthday!
  8. Everlong

    Youtube Greats

    Lol!! Nice find Dave!
  9. Everlong

    Ever(long)quest! (Laptop soundcard question)

    Awesome! I'll get onto one of those once I get paid. Thanks loads for the advice guys. Cheers Evers :D
  10. Everlong

    Ever(long)quest! (Laptop soundcard question)

    Once upon a time in a land just south of Brechin there lived a valient knight .....well, just next door to him lived a bald, podgy lad called Everlong who has a question regarding soundcards and laptops! Win i nin i n! :p Hey all! I'm about to buy a new laptop and was wondering if anyone could...
  11. Everlong

    Happy Birthday Skull!

    Happy birthday fella!
  12. Everlong

    Counterstrike: Global Offensive (CS:GO)

    Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please don't let them feck this up!!! Love the focus on comp. play! /drool
  13. Everlong

    Well this is interesting

    It'll never happen!
  14. Everlong

    Frozen Synapse - who fancies taking part in a wee league?

    Ok, awesome. How do we start this thing off then?
  15. Everlong

    Frozen Synapse - who fancies taking part in a wee league?

    Hi all Was just having a wee think to myself. Who fancies playing in a rolling BreachLAN Frozen Synapse league? I was totally gutted to have missed the competition at BreachLAN18 so wondered about getting some action going inbetween times. My suggestion would be to have a league ladder on the...
  16. Everlong

    Who's the daddy?!?!?!

    I AM!! Hey all! Just a quick message to say that my wife Hazel delivered our new son Andrew Daniel Judge on the 9th August at 6.47pm. The little dude weighed in at 9lb 13oz and is strong and healthy. Hope to catch you all online soon. Cheers Paul (Evers) \o
  17. Everlong

    Mode 7 Sponsor BreachLAN 18

    What an awesome prize! I just got the game and am totally gutted that I am missing the tourney!! I'm on UK1 also :D
  18. Everlong

    BreachLAN Game Night - Team Fortress 2 - Weds 20th

    Defo, count me in! I'll try and be there from the start this time! >.<
  19. Everlong

    BreachLAN Game Night - Team Fortress 2 - Weds 20th

    Great games all!! I should be around at some point tonight so I'll keep my eyes out for peeps on the server! :D
  20. Everlong

    Big Source Engine Update - TF2 now FREE!

    I'd love to get involved in a regular night of TF2! The 'Meet the Medic' trailer is awesome! My favourite so far I reacon! Certainly gives 'Meet the Spy' a run for its money! :D
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