Ahhhh!! No one has mentioned colouring their mo as yet!!
That little dude has a better chance than I do!
I'll get an update to my Mospace tonight if I'm home from work early enough.
I have a weeks growth and it's really, really, really itchy!!!!!
Hi all
I'm about to post a couple of pics on the Movember site but the pictures from my phone are being rejected because of their file size.
Can anyone suggest a program to make them smaller please?
Cheers ya'll!
Argh!! I'm just too lazy to read the licencing bumf properly!!
I thought my licence had expired and that to continue using Avast I would be required to buy the product.
Turns out, after reading the screen properly, that I just had to click the 'continue using current package' button!
Hi all
I'm currently using Avast as my anti-virus program.
I'm looking for another free anti-virus program.
What would you all suggest?
Thanks in advance.
Evers :D
My provider is Pipex (now Talktalk due to the buy out).
My router is a fairly old Linksys WAG54GS ver. 1.1
I use the latest version of Firefox.
Hope this helps in some way.
Thanks for the continual support.
Evers :D
Hey all
I did have the same problem with:
Dex fixed the connection issue for Mumble by getting me to replace the server name with the I.P. in the mumble server connection window. He suggested this after flushing DNS didn't improve anything. (Thanks Dex :D)...
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