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  1. Everlong

    Timings for etf2l

    8.30pm would be epic for me. How does it fit for others?
  2. Everlong

    Timings for etf2l

    Yeah, I'd second that. I need to organise bath/bed times for the wee fella so a later and exact time would really help. :-)
  3. Everlong

    Timings for etf2l

    Ok, cool. Just thought I'd check before I made plans. :D
  4. Everlong

    Timings for etf2l

    Have we got another match organised by any chance? :D
  5. Everlong

    Timings for etf2l

    Hey guys, if Fen can't manage I'm sure Oomska would fill the slot if we can get hold of him before kick-off.
  6. Everlong

    Happy Birthday Piglet

    Woot! :D Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Pigleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! *gasps!* Happy birthday to you! :cool:
  7. Everlong


    Amesy, that was awesome! No gibberish at all! Thanks for talking me through that. I'll get to it straight away! :D
  8. Everlong


    Can anyone suggest a decent bow to buy/ steal/ craft in the game? Should I collect books or just leave/sell them? Whats the best way of farming cash? Cheers Evers
  9. Everlong


    Oooh, I'll get it DL'ed and installed. I'm out for about 4 hours on Sat afternoon (1pm until around 5pm) but I'll be around to start it all off if hat'll work?
  10. Everlong

    One word story

  11. Everlong

    One word story

  12. Everlong

    Timings for etf2l

    I'll be there and I'm happy to play as Medic, Heavy, Spy or Snipez. If Oomska is playing as heavy or Soli I would like to play medic. We've played a fair bit together like that. :D I honestly don't mind which class I play/ if I get to play though. :D
  13. Everlong


    Nae snae in Farfar!
  14. Everlong

    Computer/gaming station Pics

    Optimus!!!!!! Remember this Grogers? 'Autobots transform!' lol
  15. Everlong

    BreachLAN does TF2?!?

    Coob, did you get a reply back to confirm my registration as yet mate? I've not had an email. >.<
  16. Everlong

    Terraria is £1.50 on Steam

    Terraria is £1.50 on Steam for the next 24 hours! You have to add 10 games or DLC to your wishlist to qualify for the daily deal. You add them by clicking on the games in the store and then clicking the 'add to wishlist' button about half way down on the right hand side. You will also stand a...
  17. Everlong

    One word story

  18. Everlong

    Sooo who hasn't got LAN death then?

    ZOMG! If I give you a fiver next time, can I use your shower?!?!?!?!? Please, please, please, please, please ....
  19. Everlong

    best moment so far

    We had two or three games of Bel-shir while Madman was dancing! His stamina is epic!! Good job sir!! :D
  20. Everlong

    Movember I'm getting rid of mine! I can't take the itch any more!!!!!
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