Search results

  1. Everlong

    Well met!

    Welcome! See you in Eve :D
  2. Everlong

    Evecraft anyone?

    Just saw this linked on the BBC website! I had no idea! Sound familiar? :D
  3. Everlong

    BreachLAN #20 Pizza Time

    XXL 'The Mexican' please I'm even more excited now ..........................
  4. Everlong

    Hall Seating Plan - Pick Your Seat Here!

    Please could we reserve the following: Seat 18 - Nidd Seat 19 - Everlong Seat 20 - Dod Seat 21 - Olleran Thanks loads :D
  5. Everlong

    sup y'all

    Welcome to the best gaming community on the internet! See you in-game dude! :D
  6. Everlong

    Someone made a boo boo

    OMG!! I neeeeeeeeeeeeeed a Raspberry Pi!!!
  7. Everlong

    Breach20: Game Nominations List

    Nominate Prop-hunt (I know it's TF2 but it is awesome fun on it's own) World in Conflict Second Dirt 2 (or 3) Third CS:source Company of Heroes Payday TF2 L4D2 UT2k4 Fourth Defcon Fifth CoD4 Sixth Starcraft 2 Edit: Nominate Battle of...
  8. Everlong

    Seven weeks until BreachLAN 20.

    The BreachLAN copy of XP will again be on offer at the raffle! I can confirm this! :D
  9. Everlong

    Make a drive caddy out of cardboard

    I made an epic hat out of a box once! The message on the side included words like 'council, meeting, shaved, chimp' but I can't remember exactly what I wrote! It was at a training day and I was very bored ... .. my boss came in while I was wearing it! Ooooopsies! :eek:
  10. Everlong

    BreachLAN Lottery Syndicate!

    This is awesome Piglet, thanks for getting it sorted out :D
  11. Everlong

    BreachLAN Lottery Syndicate!

    *bump* and I've pm'ed you Piglet! :D Get involved peeps. More players = more chance of winning! (Albeit, a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very small chance of winning!)
  12. Everlong

    BreachLAN Lottery Syndicate!

    I'm in :D
  13. Everlong

    Need suggestions for some punk/rock/metal to listen to.

    Hey all, I'm looking for something new and tasty to listen to. I've been listening to Biffy Clyro, Weezer, Funeral for a Friend, Deftones and a bit of Blink-182 (Enema of the State) recently. Any suggestions? Many thanks in advance for your awesomeness! :D
  14. Everlong

    games nights

    I'm up for playing anything! Lets get it ooooooooooooooon! :D
  15. Everlong

    looking for old comps

    We used to have a Spectrum 28k which was taken to a shop and, through the use of Voodoo, was 'overclocked' (or something) up to a 48k beast! The computer was built into the keyboard and it required a seperate tape deck to load the games. I played titles such as Fantasy Island Dizzy & Jumping...
  16. Everlong


    Looks like great fun! I'm in! :D
  17. Everlong

    Happy New Year Folks!!!!!

    :DHappy New Year!:D
  18. Everlong

    STEAM winter sale is here

    That's awesome! I loved the first game! :D
  19. Everlong

    STEAM winter sale is here

    I think I've won a copy of Frozen Synapse. Anyone want to trade for it?
  20. Everlong


    Thanks for the advice so far guys. I'm well on my way to being able to craft dragon bone items. Is there a quick way of switching between weapons and magic and then back again? It is the only thing in the game that I find slightly frustrating. In a fight having to trawl through a menu to get...
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