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  1. Everlong

    BreachLAN 22 photos

    Great photos dude! Well done! :D
  2. Everlong

    Happy Birthday Eklipze

    Happy birthday!!
  3. Everlong

    Happy birthday Blackice

    Happy birthday!!
  4. Everlong

    New staff member

    Hurray!! This is great news! Well done Dod!
  5. Everlong

    How Not to Open Your New iPhone

  6. Everlong

    BreachLAN 22: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    Boooooooooo! All bets are off currently gentlepeeps! ;D
  7. Everlong

    BreachLAN 22: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    The Good: - Awesome, awesome, awesome company! Sitting between Dod and Dex was epic fun! It was also great to finally have all of the SCM lads there! C'mon the SCM!!!!! - TF2 tourney was absolutely A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! The games were brilliant fun .. and we were the whipping b(h)oys! - Scrumpy...
  8. Everlong

    (Re)Introducing IRC

    This is great fun! Thanks dude! :D
  9. Everlong

    DayZ - our own realm?

    I'd like to book a Coastal Heli-tour on the Dod-chopper please. I am willing to pay one can of beans!
  10. Everlong

    Happy Birthday Skull!

  11. Everlong

    Return of a possible LAN staple?

    Ok, I'm finally DLing it now. Looks like fun! I watched the vid on the linked site.
  12. Everlong

    PAYDAY: The Heist - No Mercy

    Hey ya'll! Here is the trailer for the new Payday DLC! Looks a little more run and gun from this trailer but fun all the same! No Mercy for deed, hungry, groany peeps! Just to clear up the myth surrounding the start of the L4D zombie incursion! Some have said that the new Payday content...
  13. Everlong

    freindly starcraft 2 tournament

    I'm in too! A 2v2 league would be a laugh too :D
  14. Everlong

    Raffle Tickets and Cupcakes

    Wow, thanks Piglet. I'll catch you later on this evening on Mumble if you're not too broken from the weekend. We can arrange it then :D
  15. Everlong

    BreachLAN Starcraft II Tournament For Kids Who Can't Play TF2 Good

    Everlong (although I may BSOD again!)
  16. Everlong

    BreachLAN Starcraft II Tournament For Kids Who Can't Play TF2 Good

    I'll play too, if there is space that is :D
  17. Everlong

    The BreachLAN 21 Pizza Order

    Thanks loads mate. Sorry for being a disorganised numpty! >.<
  18. Everlong

    Hello from a Posh Robot

    Weclome! :D
  19. Everlong

    Air Buccaneers HD

    Haaaaaar! Avast ye slabs! Dling right now! erm ... Yaaaaaaaar!!!
  20. Everlong

    Happy Birthday ZeroG!

    Belated Happy Birthday fella! Hope you had a great day!
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