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  1. Everlong

    The BreachLAN 21 Pizza Order

    Crap!! I missed it! Any chance of putting a: Large Papa John's Favourite with stuffed crust on there for me please? No probs if not. Sorry for missing the deadline, I totally forgot!
  2. Everlong

    TF2 - Meet the Pyro

    Ah awesome!! We might get to see what the pyro actually looks like! :D
  3. Everlong

    Another Friday...

  4. Everlong

    Happy Birthday Amesy

    HaPpYbIrThDaY!!! \o/
  5. Everlong

    Happy birthday Everlong!

    Hi all, many thanks for the kind messages :D
  6. Everlong


    I 2nd the call for Playbus ... erm . .. I mean Battlebus! ;D
  7. Everlong

    A reintroduction

    Hey man! Welcome! \o
  8. Everlong


    Haha!! Sweeeeeet! We need a helicopter so bad!!!
  9. Everlong


    OOOH! I think I have this working now! Just waiting for the 1.6 patch to DL then (fingers crossed) it should be working! :D
  10. Everlong

    Fixing a Graphics Card via an Oven

    Awesome!!! *Runs off to put PC in oven to make it work better*
  11. Everlong

    Proving a point

    Frozen time shooty thing!
  12. Everlong

    Company of Heroes :D

    Hey all, Thought I'd pop up a wee thread about CoH. Here is a good site for DLing new maps from (thanks Dod for finding this:)) : mApZoRzZz! Also, here is a link to Company of Heroes 2! Zeroes-Twa! If you would like to watch some CoH matches I can highly recomend this guy's channel...
  13. Everlong

    New eve gifts coming soon

    Argh! What does it all mean?!?! Why can't they buy me a pint?!
  14. Everlong


  15. Everlong

    CS:S 5v5 Tournament, £10000 Prize Pool

    I'd be up for another ass-whooping! Let me know if you need a player. :D
  16. Everlong

    Website that auto-uploads pictures?

    Hi peeps! I was wondering what the name of the site/ program you use to share pictures instantly. Dex did tell me the name of the one he uses but I forgot to find and bookmark it. Many thanks in advance :D Evers \o
  17. Everlong


    What do you mean immature!?! I'm 7 and a half years old and when I grow up I want to be a bazooka! Then I'll show you immature! ;D
  18. Everlong

    Welcome to the new forums

    Great job guys, this place looks great! :D
  19. Everlong

    BreachLAN 20 Feedback - Good, Bad and the downright Naasty

    Good: The company Loads of people! The Pizza The cupcakes!! (seriously ... bacon on a cake!) Company of Heroes .... so many games of CoH! Rock band (Baa-baa Black Sheep should have won ... clearly! ;D ) Counterstrike Prop-hunt TF2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Full server! O.o Learning that...
  20. Everlong

    Kustom PC's sponsor BreachLAN

    This is epic news! :D
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