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  1. Zanto

    Hardware Awful lot of computer hardware for sale.

    can i get a pic of the case? might be interested and the 2 tb hdd. what you wanting for the hd im not to sure on prices zanto
  2. Zanto

    Greetings from the Netherlands

    great news that you enjoyed yourself mate hope to see you back again.
  3. Zanto

    BreachLAN #26::The Good, The Bad and the Downright Ugly

    the good- being able to come to this lan missed the last couple. the sc2 tournament red vs blue competition was goof fun the bad - the lan finished the ugle - nothing to report here comrad lol
  4. Zanto

    The wolverine

    id also like to see this movie if you lads have yet to go.
  5. Zanto


    klkl man thx again
  6. Zanto


    what time and day we going greg thurseday right?
  7. Zanto


    ah cheers man life saver
  8. Zanto


  9. Zanto


    hey guys due to unfortunate circumstances i no longer have a lift down to lan and dont wanna miss it if possible if anyone has space for me and my rig it would be much appretiated i gott a lift back its just getting ther. zanto
  10. Zanto

    Steam Deal Chivalry

    i noticed it was on your wishlist thought why not
  11. Zanto

    BreachLAN26 - Showpiece - RED VS BLUE

    guess ill wait for my team in the email sounds cool
  12. Zanto

    We're almost there

    signed up cant wait been to long since i attended i missed you guys
  13. Zanto

    freindly starcraft 2 tournament

    sweet well i shall sort a date out for it in the next week or so the interest in this is quite good to see
  14. Zanto


    i am so bummed out that breach 21 is over had sooooo much fun and im soooo looking forward to 22 i hope to see all of you very soon and would like to put it out ther that i am completely up for hanging out outside the lan you guys and gal :P(piglet) are awsome and the cakes are to die for :P get...
  15. Zanto


    sounds fun ill sign up soon also lol no idea how i done it but i have a bruise all the way down my right rib was someone kicking me while i was asleep at lan lol
  16. Zanto

    freindly starcraft 2 tournament

    all can enter might make a weird bracket sonewer players can win something
  17. Zanto

    freindly starcraft 2 tournament

    id also maybe like to recorde the replays and maybe iff harry is up for it cast them and post them somewer ^^
  18. Zanto

    freindly starcraft 2 tournament

    hey guys and gals after that last lan and the Sc2 tourny it sparked a new love for the game i may not be the best but i love it is ther anyone out ther that might be up for an unnoficail tournament online might get a steam game for the winner. i know not everyone at the lan entered and some...
  19. Zanto

    Middlands Lan

    not sure yet on oct but ill be in touch
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