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  1. Zanto

    Middlands Lan

    im thinking about getting a gaming laptop for lans as its hassle to dismantle everything iff thats the case i can train it down leave it with me binky i might show up
  2. Zanto

    Item get!

    :O nice think im gonna be more active on forumns now miss the old forumn days on wow so gonna let you guys have a peice
  3. Zanto

    Diablo 3

    wishfull thinking iff you think you gonna find it for under35 quid with how popular it is and what it is well worth 40
  4. Zanto


    im ther im in for this one my first was way to fun not to go plus i wann guess socks's blue screens right this time :P Zanto
  5. Zanto

    BreachLAN 19 - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    the good the lan first time ^^ the prophunt game meeting everyone the bad steam backups running out of money in the bank :( the ugly this dreadful sore throat i now have
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