Well-Known Member
What did you think of the LAN? leave your feedback below 
The Good -
Meeting new people
The casting was fun to watch - thanks to dave
The epic battle on facebook - Breachlan gamers vs my twat friend haha
Big game of UT2k4 always great fun - maybe next time we can have first to 1000 frags FFA?
The Bad -
Having to leave the lan early - for good reason tho
Having to game on my 2008 laptop with poor frame rate in games lol
The Ugly
Kevs smelly farts lol
almost missing my train back home.
The Good -
Meeting new people
The casting was fun to watch - thanks to dave
The epic battle on facebook - Breachlan gamers vs my twat friend haha
Big game of UT2k4 always great fun - maybe next time we can have first to 1000 frags FFA?
The Bad -
Having to leave the lan early - for good reason tho
Having to game on my 2008 laptop with poor frame rate in games lol
The Ugly
Kevs smelly farts lol
almost missing my train back home.