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  1. Amesy

    Merry Christmas!

    Hope everyone had a great Christmas... I'm sorry you're stuck on a Rig Blitz... Looking forward to seeing ya'll soon.
  2. Amesy

    Burnout:Paradise City FREE!!!

    I guess the deal ended :( it's showing as £4.99 now.
  3. Amesy

    Burnout:Paradise City FREE!!!

    What He said ^^
  4. Amesy

    Final Night of Gameweek - DiRT 2

    I've been allowed to finish my shift early today so I'll be home in time to play this :)
  5. Amesy

    BreachLAN Gameweek - Tonight, CoD4

    I miss you guys, also.
  6. Amesy

    BreachLAN Gameweek - Tonight, CoD4

    I'm gutted I've missed all this week, but I'm working the late shift all week :( I'm going to make an effort to get on tonight for the CSS game.
  7. Amesy

    Not feelin Christmas this year?

    More of a Good Charlotte style song which makes me weep coz I hate Good Charlotte.
  8. Amesy

    So much WIN so LITTLE time :)

    This got passed round the office yesterday. Really Really good.
  9. Amesy

    Happy birthday Piglet!!

    Yeah it was Dex!!!!
  10. Amesy

    Happy birthday Piglet!!

    Word to your Mom!!! Happy Birthday. Hope you're having a great day.
  11. Amesy

    Dara O Briain is a gamer, thought you all might enjoy this

    I love that guy... fookin' hilarious.
  12. Amesy

    New Website Feedback / Thoughts

    I did love the mail I got Glad it's all fixed though. And the website looks great.
  13. Amesy

    Dirt 2 - £3.75 on Steam for the next 8 hours!

    Casti, you are obsessed me thinks.
  14. Amesy


    I am PAID!!! Amesy is coming back to BL17 baby!!!!
  15. Amesy

    Google Beatbox

    LMAO. Gigglez0r
  16. Amesy

    Fallout is GaGa?

    That is so well done it's incredible. Good find dude.
  17. Amesy

    Gulp! 30 Today :O

    Happy birthday for Yesterday.
  18. Amesy


    Working rather late there Martin. Good job mate.
  19. Amesy


    I will be paid in full on Tuesday :D
  20. Amesy


    Hey Piglett... I'll be seeing you tomorrow missy!!!! :D I may very well be good to come to this one.... ROAD TRIP!!! Hexx If you want to go too, perhaps we can collaborate?
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